Task | Format of link | Expands to |
Link to another page in the same web | <page name>, e.g. ProjectsArea |
http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P10761/ProjectsArea |
Link to a page in another web | <web_name>.<page_name>, e.g. P1076.CollectedRequirements |
http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P1076/Vhdl2019CollectedRequirements |
Link to an attachment of the current page | %ATTACHURL%/<document_name>, e.g. %ATTACHURL%/SurveyCFP.pdf |
http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P10761/WorkingGroupDocuments/SurveyCFP.pdf |
Link to an attachment of another page | %PUBURL%/<web_name>/<page_name>/<document_name>, e.g. %PUBURL%/P1076/Vhdl2019CollectedRequirements/Proposal.txt. Use %WEB% for the current web. |
http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P1076/Vhdl2019CollectedRequirements/Proposal.txt |
Link to an anchor in a page | <page_reference>#<anchor_name>, e.g. WgOrganization#MailingList |
http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P10761/WgOrganization#MailingList |
Variable name | Meaning | Expands to |
HTTP_HOST | The main URL of the site | www.eda-twiki.org |
PUBURLPATH | The local path to the public webs | /twiki/pub |
PUBURL | %HTTP_HOST%%PUBURLPATH% | http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub |
WEB | The current web | P10761 |
TOPIC | The current page | WorkingGroupDocuments |
HOMETOPIC | The name of the home page of the web, typically WebHome | WebHome |
PARENTTOPIC | The name of the parent topic | WebHome |
ATTACHURL | The URL of the current page, to be used with attachments of the page | http://www.eda-twiki.org/twiki/pub/P10761/WorkingGroupDocuments |
ATTACHURLPATH | %PUBURLPATH%/%Web%/%TOPIC% | /twiki/pub/P10761/WorkingGroupDocuments |
TOC | Table of content of current page | see at top of page |
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
html | CallForParticipation.html | manage | 12.3 K | 2013-03-23 - 06:29 | ErnstChristen | Call for Participation March 2013 |
html | FreqDomainInvitation100525.html | manage | 5.5 K | 2010-05-11 - 04:35 | ErnstChristen | Frequency Domain Modeling Subcommittee meeting 05/25/2010 |
Haase_FDL09.pdf | manage | 223.6 K | 2009-09-03 - 11:03 | AlainVachoux | Proposal to Extend Frequency Domain Analysis in VHDL-AMS - FDL'09 paper | |
IEEE-SA_Policy_Changes_-_Effective_2012.pdf | manage | 95.6 K | 2011-11-09 - 08:15 | AlainVachoux | IEEE-SA Policy changes - effective in 2012 | |
Kazmierski_FDL07.pdf | manage | 246.3 K | 2010-05-05 - 05:35 | ErnstChristen | Proposal to Extend VHDL-AMS to Support PDEs - FDL'07 paper | |
P1735_Overview_4spp.pdf | manage | 326.2 K | 2010-01-04 - 15:15 | AlainVachoux | Slides presented at the WG meeting of 15 December 2009 | |
Spice_in_vhdl-ams_0.6.pdf | manage | 173.4 K | 2009-09-03 - 11:07 | AlainVachoux | SPICE Components in VHDL-AMS - Proposal - Version 0.6, March 7, 2005 | |
SurveyCFP.pdf | manage | 31.9 K | 2010-03-24 - 22:05 | DavidSmith | VHDL-AMS Survey and Call for Participation | |
SurveyFeedback.pdf | manage | 111.4 K | 2010-05-05 - 00:31 | ErnstChristen | Feedback about the VHDL-AMS Survey and CFP | |
ppt | VPI-AMS.ppt | manage | 51.0 K | 2010-07-22 - 03:28 | ErnstChristen | Overview ov Verilog-AMS VPI-AMS |
WP_mixed_netlists_rev05.pdf | manage | 128.2 K | 2009-09-05 - 10:00 | AlainVachoux | White paper on mixed netlists in VHDL-AMS, revision 0.5, June 19, 2005 | |
pptx | change_to_IEEE_proeduee.pptx | manage | 676.8 K | 2016-01-26 - 20:17 | ErnstChristen | IEEE-SA Policy changes effective 2012 |
pdeext.pdf | manage | 342.7 K | 2009-12-10 - 14:16 | AlainVachoux | PDE support in 1076.1. Slides presented at the WG meeting of 20 October 2009 | |
postponed_procedural_statement.pdf | manage | 222.0 K | 2014-04-07 - 00:51 | ErnstChristen | Postponed Procedural Statement | |
requirements_tlu_modeling_in_vhdl-ams_2006-03.pdf | manage | 100.9 K | 2009-12-10 - 14:37 | AlainVachoux | Initial requirements for table look-up modeling, March 2006 | |
slides_IEEE1076.1-WG_09.2009_spice_vhdl-ams.pdf | manage | 289.9 K | 2009-11-16 - 06:26 | AlainVachoux | Slides presented at the WG meeting of 22 September 2009 | |
slides_IEEE1076.1-WG_09_2009_frequency_domain.pdf | manage | 741.8 K | 2009-11-16 - 06:27 | AlainVachoux | Slides presented at the WG meeting of 22 September 2009 | |
vhdl_2008_DASC_s.pdf | manage | 176.7 K | 2010-01-08 - 10:28 | AlainVachoux | New features in VHDL 1076-2008 (slides from Jim Lewis) |