Working Group Documents

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Call for Participation

A first Call for Participation that was combined with a survey was sent to the following reflectors on January 18, 2010: VHDL-AMS, DASC,, VDA/FAT-AK30, ASIM/GI-WG Simulation of Technical Systems (STS), ASIM/GI-WG Fundamentals of Modeling and Simulation (GMMS), GI/ITG/GMMM-WG Description Languages and Modeling of Circuits and Systems (Fachgrupppe 4).

A second Call for Participation was sent to the Power Electronics, Aerospace and Electronics Systems, and Vehicular Technology societies of the IEEE on March 21, 2013.

Authoring Site-independent Twiki Pages

The twiki markup language provides means to author pages that are independent of the site that hosts the page. While this is not usually a big issue, site-dependent coding is a major headache when the twiki pages have to be moved to a new URL. This section provides a few hints how site independency can be achieved with judicious use of twiki variables.

The WYSIWYG editor contains a button to insert a link. Unfortunately, when the corresponding form closes it seems to always enter the complete URL of the link rather than allowing the link to be parameterized with twiki variables. In particular, if a variable reference is entered in this form, the value of the variable is used instead of the variable name. Use of this button should therefore be avoided. Better results can be achieved by editing the page in raw mode, i.e. at the twiki markup level. At this level the link is entered using the following format: [‍[<link>][text to display for link]].

Task Format of link Expands to
Link to another page in the same web <page name>, e.g.
Link to a page in another web <web_name>.<page_name>, e.g.
Link to an attachment of the current page %‍ATTACHURL%/<document_name>, e.g.
Link to an attachment of another page %‍PUBURL%/<web_name>/<page_name>/<document_name>, e.g.
Use %‍WEB% for the current web.
Link to an anchor in a page <page_reference>#<anchor_name>, e.g.

Twiki variables of interest are:

Variable name Meaning Expands to
HTTP_HOST The main URL of the site
PUBURLPATH The local path to the public webs /twiki/pub
WEB The current web P10761
TOPIC The current page WorkingGroupDocuments
HOMETOPIC The name of the home page of the web, typically WebHome WebHome
PARENTTOPIC The name of the parent topic WebHome
ATTACHURL The URL of the current page, to be used with attachments of the page
ATTACHURLPATH %‍PUBURLPATH%/%‍Web%/%‍TOPIC% /twiki/pub/P10761/WorkingGroupDocuments
TOC Table of content of current page see at top of page

To escape the meaning of twiki markup on a page, the Twiki User Guide suggests to prefix the markup with an exclamation mark. This seems to work well to prevent a link to be created from a camel-case name, e.g. SunOS. In other places the exclamation mark does not survive repeated editing cycles (e.g. a space may be inserted between the exclamation mark and the name), or it has no effect (e.g. when trying to escape a variable expansion). All such issues can be avoided by inserting into the markup text the HTML character &zw‍j; (Zero width joiner).

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
HTMLhtml CallForParticipation.html manage 12.3 K 2013-03-23 - 06:29 ErnstChristen Call for Participation March 2013
HTMLhtml FreqDomainInvitation100525.html manage 5.5 K 2010-05-11 - 04:35 ErnstChristen Frequency Domain Modeling Subcommittee meeting 05/25/2010
PDFpdf Haase_FDL09.pdf manage 223.6 K 2009-09-03 - 11:03 AlainVachoux Proposal to Extend Frequency Domain Analysis in VHDL-AMS - FDL'09 paper
PDFpdf IEEE-SA_Policy_Changes_-_Effective_2012.pdf manage 95.6 K 2011-11-09 - 08:15 AlainVachoux IEEE-SA Policy changes - effective in 2012
PDFpdf Kazmierski_FDL07.pdf manage 246.3 K 2010-05-05 - 05:35 ErnstChristen Proposal to Extend VHDL-AMS to Support PDEs - FDL'07 paper
PDFpdf P1735_Overview_4spp.pdf manage 326.2 K 2010-01-04 - 15:15 AlainVachoux Slides presented at the WG meeting of 15 December 2009
PDFpdf Spice_in_vhdl-ams_0.6.pdf manage 173.4 K 2009-09-03 - 11:07 AlainVachoux SPICE Components in VHDL-AMS - Proposal - Version 0.6, March 7, 2005
PDFpdf SurveyCFP.pdf manage 31.9 K 2010-03-24 - 22:05 DavidSmith VHDL-AMS Survey and Call for Participation
PDFpdf SurveyFeedback.pdf manage 111.4 K 2010-05-05 - 00:31 ErnstChristen Feedback about the VHDL-AMS Survey and CFP
PowerPointppt VPI-AMS.ppt manage 51.0 K 2010-07-22 - 03:28 ErnstChristen Overview ov Verilog-AMS VPI-AMS
PDFpdf WP_mixed_netlists_rev05.pdf manage 128.2 K 2009-09-05 - 10:00 AlainVachoux White paper on mixed netlists in VHDL-AMS, revision 0.5, June 19, 2005
PowerPointpptx change_to_IEEE_proeduee.pptx manage 676.8 K 2016-01-26 - 20:17 ErnstChristen IEEE-SA Policy changes effective 2012
PDFpdf pdeext.pdf manage 342.7 K 2009-12-10 - 14:16 AlainVachoux PDE support in 1076.1. Slides presented at the WG meeting of 20 October 2009
PDFpdf postponed_procedural_statement.pdf manage 222.0 K 2014-04-07 - 00:51 ErnstChristen Postponed Procedural Statement
PDFpdf requirements_tlu_modeling_in_vhdl-ams_2006-03.pdf manage 100.9 K 2009-12-10 - 14:37 AlainVachoux Initial requirements for table look-up modeling, March 2006
PDFpdf slides_IEEE1076.1-WG_09.2009_spice_vhdl-ams.pdf manage 289.9 K 2009-11-16 - 06:26 AlainVachoux Slides presented at the WG meeting of 22 September 2009
PDFpdf slides_IEEE1076.1-WG_09_2009_frequency_domain.pdf manage 741.8 K 2009-11-16 - 06:27 AlainVachoux Slides presented at the WG meeting of 22 September 2009
PDFpdf vhdl_2008_DASC_s.pdf manage 176.7 K 2010-01-08 - 10:28 AlainVachoux New features in VHDL 1076-2008 (slides from Jim Lewis)
Topic revision: r26 - 2020-02-17 - 15:35:05 - JimLewis
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