Working Group Organization

The working group is open to all interested people. The Operating Procedures outline the orderly transaction of business of the P1076.1 Working Group.

There are several levels of participation (which may be cumulative):

  • Join the mailing list. This allows you to observe working group's activities and to participate in reviewing, commenting and technical contributions.
  • Register to the working group roster. This allows you to get a login name and password to access the private area of the web (e.g., working documents, draft LRM document).
  • Become a Member of the Working Group by participating in at least two activities over any 6 month period. Membership includes access to the private area of the web. See the Operating Procedures for more information about member status.
  • Register to an IEEE ballot. This allows you to participate in the process to formally approve or reaffirm an IEEE standard.

Call for Participation

A Call for Participation was sent to the Power Electronics, Aerospace and Electronics Systems, and Vehicular Technology societies of the IEEE on March 21, 2013.

Mailing List

The mailing list is supported by a listserver at VHDLAMS@‍IEEE.ORG; its full address is VHDLAMS@‍LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG. The mailing list is used for announcements and discussions related to the development and the maintenance of the IEEE 1076.1 (VHDL-AMS) standard and related standards. It is not a user forum and not the place to discuss issues related to tools and vendors.

The following email addresses are used in context with the mailing list. Clicking an address will open your email client with the corresponding address, obfuscated to reduce spam. Please remove the 6 letters NOSPAM in the email address before sending the email.

The following URLs may also be useful. You will be asked to login to the listserver to access any of the lists. You will be prompted to register your email address and set a password on your first login. No login is required to access the email archives.

Working Group Roster

Roster members get a login name and password to access the private area of the web (e.g., working documents, draft LRM document).

To be registered in the roster, please send the following information to the working group chair (do not forget to remove the NOSPAM word in the obfuscated email address):

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Business affiliation
  • Applicant's direct and material interest in the Working Group's work, qualifications and willingness to participate actively.

The roster list is only accessible to roster members from the private admin area.

Voting Membership

Roster members can participate in working group votes; their votes are counted if they are Voting Members. Votes of members who are not Voting Members count towards Voting Member status.

Members become Voting Members if and only if they have attended 2 of the previous 3 meetings (telco or face-to-face) or votes (the "2 out of 3" rule). Voting "abstain" counts as a vote.

The voting membership status ( link to be provided) is only accessible to roster members.

IEEE Ballot

Info yet to be added

Topic revision: r13 - 2016-04-06 - 01:30:15 - ErnstChristen
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