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Standard for Electronic Design Intellectual Property (IP) Quality
Meeting Schedule
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Available Information
Working Group Information
Kathy Werner -
Need for the Project
Faster product cycles and the more aggressive time-to-market requirements and more narrow market windows for new products, as well as limited resources in most companies doing chip design increases the motivation of chip designers to speed up their design process by reusing IP, especially in areas outside of the core competencies of the design teams. Quality issues in complex IP purchased from 3rd party providers in many cases end up seriously jeopardizing the timeliness of chip tape-outs if the issues with the IP are found too late in the design process. In cases where designs with faulty IP tape out, due to the high mask costs of modern process nodes an entire company may find themselves at risk if their design ends up not working and a re-spin of the design is required.
Quality is the single most important issue hindering wide-spread IP adoption. A means for assessing the risk of IP which is being considered for use needs to be standardized. There are numerous ways and methodologies used to design and verify IP's resulting in a large variance in the quality of the IP. Adopting a quality standard metric that will account for the variances in designing, verifying and testing the IP will result in fair quality assessment and improved quality.
The VSI Alliance donated their Quality IP (QIP) metric to be used as a baseline for further development and wider adoption within IEEE ensuring a baseline by which all vendors measure and communicate quality aspects and facilitating more efficient IP evaluations and risk mitigation plans on the part of the IP consumer.
Scope of Proposed Standard
This specification defines a standard XML format for representing electronic IP quality information, based on an information model for electronic IP quality measurement. It includes a schema and the terms that are relevant for measuring electronic IP quality, including software that executes on the system. The schema and information model can be focused to represent particular categories of interest to IP users.
Purpose of Proposed Standard
The purpose of this standard is to provide a unified view of quality measures for IP to facilitate the use and integration of this IP used in electronic system design. This will enable the continuous improvement of IP used for system design and verification by providing a mechanism for qualitative comparison between such IP. The standard IP quality measures and characteristic exchange format defined can be incorporated into a variety of EDA tools.
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Topic revision: r11 - 2016-01-28 - 21:24:27 -