Welcome to the SystemC AMS standardization (P1666.1) page


The IEEE P1666.1 Working Group has been created under the auspices of the IEEE Design Automation Standards Committee (DASC) with the charter to standardize the Analog/Mixed-Signal (AMS) extensions for SystemC as an ANSI standard C++ class library for system and hardware design including analog/mixed-signal elements.
P1666.1 is an entity-based Working Group.


The general purpose of the SystemC AMS extensions is to provide a C++ standard for designers and architects, who need to address complex heterogeneous systems that are a hybrid between hardware and software. This standard is built on the IEEE Std. 1666-2011 (SystemC Language Reference Manual) and extends it to create analog/mixed-signal, multi-disciplinary models to simulate continuous-time, discrete-time, and discrete-event behavior simultaneously.
The specific purpose of this standard is to provide a precise and complete definition of the AMS class library, so that a SystemC AMS implementation can be developed with reference to this standard alone. This standard is neither intended to serve as a user's guide nor to provide an introduction to AMS extensions in SystemC, but does contain useful information for end users.

News and announcements

No news or announcements.


  • Martin Barnasconi - Chair
  • Thilo Voertler - Secretary ( temporary)


  • Sumit Adhikari, NXP Semiconductors
  • Martin Barnasconi, NXP Semiconductors
  • Dennis Brophy, Mentor Graphics
  • Joe Daniels, Accellera Systems Initiative
  • Karsten Einwich, COSEDA Technologies
  • Paul Floyd, Atrenta Inc.
  • Olivier Guillaume, STMicroelectronics
  • Fabian Mischkalla, Intel
  • Mladen Nizic, Cadence Design Systems
  • Stephan Schulz, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS
  • Yatin Trivedi, Synopsys Inc.
  • Thilo Voertler, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS

IEEE-SA liaison: Jonathan Goldberg

References and links

P16661 Web Utilities

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf P1666_1_PAR_Detail_Approved.pdf manage 6.9 K 2014-06-16 - 20:43 MartinBarnasconi Project Authorization Request of P1666.1
PDFpdf ieee-sa_pandp_p1666dot1_approved.pdf manage 455.7 K 2014-11-30 - 15:04 MartinBarnasconi Policies and Procedures for P1666.1 Working Group
Topic revision: r36 - 2016-01-04 - 09:39:03 - MartinBarnasconi
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