Welcome to the VerilogAMS Work Group
The Verilog-AMS Technical Subcommittee has been created under the auspices of
Accellera with the charter to develop, update and promote analog and mixed signal extensions to the Verilog (IEEE-1364) language. This activity has resulted in the Accellera approval of the
Verilog-AMS LRM, version 2.3.1, in June 2009. This version supersedes the OVI Verilog-A LRM (from June 1996) and previous versions of the Verilog-AMS LRM.
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Working Group Information
This TWiki site is used as a repository for various documents and examples.
Administration details, confernence call information, and email distribution lists can be found on the main page at:
To access working groups main page will require an Accellera user account.
If you work for a member company (check
http://www.accellera.org/about/members for the Member company list), you can create an account here:
Once you have an account, you can subscribe to the Verilog-AMS Group.
If you do not work for a member company, or if you need assistance, please
contact Lynn Bannister (
Lynn@accelleraNOSPAM.org) and she will be happy to set you up
as an Accellera non-member.
VerilogAMS Web Utilities
Topic revision: r29 - 2012-09-12 - 20:49:18 -