Conditional Expressions and/or Operator
Proposal Editing Information
Language Change Specification Link
TopLCS2016_036: Implementation 1.
LCS2016_036a: New implementation based on "when"/selected signal assignment.
Requirement Summary
See prior work at
FT10A. Rejected due to ambuguity introduced by the comma (","). Could use "else" instead of "," to create a general syntax.
Main issue missing is conditional expressions in a declaration, otherwise, a conditional assignment is possible. Does the feature also need to work in additional contexts, such as a port map or parameter association.
Can be language syntax, or a subprogram with anonymous IO.
Related Issues:
Current Problems / Issues
Implementation 1: Language Syntax
Can be implemented with language syntax using the same syntax as conditional assignment:
constant T : time := 1 ns if gA_VAL = '1' else 10 ns ;
No parser-generator conflicts were detected when expanding the grammar of an existing compiler with the above syntax. The expansion consists of the following additional rule:
<expression> ::= '?' '?' <primary>
| <logical_expression> 'if' <expression> 'else' <logical_expression>
| <logical_expression>
The change expands the definition of <expression> so that anywhere that an expression is valid, a conditional expression can also appear.
JimLewis - 2014-11-26
On comp.lang.vhdl, Allan Herriman noted that a BNF production for "conditional expressions" is already defined. Although it allows leaving out the else which implies "unaffected".
conditional_expressions ::=
expression when condition
{ else expression when condition }
[ else expression ]
Implementation 2: Language Syntax
If for some reason, 1 is rejected, add conditional expressions to initialization of constants, signals, and variables. So add the support there:
In Constant declarations, change constant declaration to:
constant_declaration ::=
constant identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression | conditional_expressions ] ; Signal declarations, change signal declaration to:
signal_declaration ::=
signal identifier_list : subtype_indication [ signal_kind ] [ := expression | conditional_expressions ] ;
In Variable declarations, change variable declaration to:
variable_declaration ::=
[ shared ] variable identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression | conditional_expressions ] ;
Implementation 3: Subprograms with anonymous inputs
Can be implemented as a function that uses anonymous inputs:
constant T : time := Cond(gA_VAL = '1', 1 ns , 20 ns) ;
function Cond (
Sel : boolean ;
A : anonymous ;
B : A'Subtype
) return A'subtype ;
function Cond (
Sel : bit ;
A : anonymous ;
B : A'Subtype
) return A'subtype ;
function Cond (
Sel : std_ulogic ;
A : anonymous ;
B : A'Subtype
) return A'subtype ;
For the record, conditional expressions were added in Ada 2012:
General Comments
ErnstChristen - 2015-01-21
This capability is often required in initial value expressions. The workaround with a function call is clumsy.
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