Mechanical and Thermal Models (MaTM)

Type Description Source
Gearbox Model for a gearbox with 2 shafts
Bouncing Ball Bouncing ball description
Mass Model (1d) One dimensional mass model
Spring Model(1d) One dimensional model for a spring
Friction Model (1d) One dimensional model for friction
Lamp Model Lamp model with radiation and self-heating


Module Name gearbox
Terminals shaft1: first shaft : inout rotational_omega
shaft2: second shaft : inout rotational_omega
Parameter radius1: radius of first gear = 1 from (0:inf)
inertia1: inertia of first gear = 1m from [0:inf)
radius2: radius of second gear = 1 from (0:inf)
intertia2: inertia of second gear = 1m from (0:inf)

Bouncing Ball

Module Name bouncing_ball
Terminals none
Parameter init_pos: initial position of ball above ground (m) = 10.0 from (0:inf)
g: gravitational acceleration (m/s**2) = 9.81from (0:inf)
air_res: air resistance = 0.1(1/m) from (0:inf)

One Dimensional Mass Model

Module Name mass1d
Terminals n: mechanical terminal : inout kinematics
Parameter m: mass (gramm) = 25 from (0:inf)
init_vel: initial speed (m/s) = 0
init_pos: initial position (m) = 0

One Dimensional Spring Model

Module Name spring1d
Terminals n1: first mechanical terminal : inout kinematics
n2: second mechanical terminal : inout kinematics
Parameter k: spring constant (n/m) = 10 from (0:inf)
l: length of spring (m) = 0.1 from (0:inf)

One Dimensional Friction Model

Module Name damper1d
Terminals n1: first mechanical terminal : inout kinematics
n2: second mechanical terminal : inout kinematics
Parameter d: friction coefficient (n*s/m) = 1000 from (0:inf)

Lamp Model

Module Name lamp
Terminals p1: positive electrical terminal : inout electrical
p2: negative electrical terminal : inout electrical
Parameter C_rad: radiation coefficient = 1.0e-4
C_tempcap: temperature capacity = 1.0e-12
Alpha: temperature coefficient = 3.0e-3
Rnom: nominal lamp resistance @RnomReftemp = 50 from (0:inf)
RnomReftemp: reference temperature (grad celcius) = 27 from [-`P_CELSIUS0:inf)

-- DavidMiller - 2011-03-01

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatva manage 1.7 K 2012-09-14 - 15:55 DavidMiller Bouncing ball description
Unknown file formatva manage 0.5 K 2012-09-14 - 15:55 DavidMiller One dimensional model for friction
Unknown file formatva manage 1.0 K 2012-09-14 - 15:55 DavidMiller Model for a gearbox with 2 shafts
Unknown file formatva manage 1.6 K 2012-09-14 - 15:56 DavidMiller Lamp model with radiation and self-heating
Unknown file formatva manage 0.9 K 2012-09-14 - 15:56 DavidMiller One dimensional mass model
Unknown file formatva manage 0.6 K 2012-09-14 - 15:56 DavidMiller One dimensional model for a spring
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-09-14 - 15:56:57 - DavidMiller
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