220 Day
000 Month
000 Year
-[--a] Arturo Salz - Synopsys
v[aa-] Abigail Morehouse - Mentor
-[--a] Bassam Tabbara - Synopsys
-[--a] Brad Pierce - Synopsys
v[aaa] Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design
v[aaa] Dave Rich - Mentor Graphics
v[-aa] Dmitry Korchemny - Intel
v[aa-] Don Mills -
v[aaa] Eduard Cerny - Synopsys
t[aaa] Erik Seligman - Intel (chair)
v[aaa] Francoise Martinolle - Cadence
v[aaa] Gordon Vreugdenhil - Mentor Graphics
v[aa-] Jin Yang - Intel
v[aaa] John Havlicek - Freescale
-[--a] Jonathan Bromley - Doulas
v[a-a] Karen Pieper - Accellera
v[aaa] Lisa Piper - Cadence
v[aaa] Manisha Kulshrestha - Mentor Graphics
v[aaa] Mark Hartoog - Synopsys
v[aaa] Mehdi Mohtashemi - Synopsys
v[aaa] Mirek Forczek - Aldec
v[aaa] Neil Korpusik - Sun Microsystems
-[-a-] Ray Ryan - Mentor
v[-aa] Shalom Bresticker - Intel
v[aaa] Steven Sharp - Cadence
v[aaa] Stu Sutherland - Sutherland HDL
v[-aa] Surrendra Dudani - Synopsys
v[aaa] Tom Thatcher - Sun Microsystems (co-chair)
|---- Voting eligibility for next meeting
1. Review the patent policy
2. Approve the minutes from the April 21, 2008 meeting, available at
3. Review of action items (no major items not covered in rest of
agenda, so will skip unless someone has specific concern)
4. Logistics topics
+ Meeting time change: swap with SV-AC, so future SC meetings on
Tues. Need to approve by voice vote.
+ Face-to-face: Confirm for Wed 5/14- Thurs 5/15 in Bay area. Find
volunteer hosts, or assign action item to get venues.
5. Technical topics
+ Concurrent assertions in procedural code: review Dmitry's points
(Erik to lead discussion since Dmitry on vacation), try to converge
to concrete proposal to be written by following week.
+ Checkers as variant modules: Review Gord's email concerns, try to
converge on documented set of issues preventing/supporting inlining
+ Let statements: If time remains, review concerns here and
attempt to come up with concrete issue list.
1. Patent policy.
2. Minutes
Gord: Move to accept minutes
Cliff: Second
3. Meeting time: Propose to swap sc-ac and sv-sc meeting.
SV-AC would meet on Mondays,
SV-SC would meet on Tuesdays
Gord: Move to swap sv-ac and sv-sc meetings
Neil: second
No abstentions, no no votes.
4. Face to face
May 14/15 in Bay area.
Dave Rich: Should be able to host one day (May 14) at Mentor.
Neil: Will check for a room at Sun
Gord: No need to vot on this.
5. Scheduling
Erik sent out a tenative schedule for sv-sc work.
Tom: Should split checker topic into two topics:
checkers and checker variables.
Erik: Schedule calls for completion by june. (allows for slippage)
Tom: Move to accept tenative schedule
Karen: second
Gord: abstain
Steven: abstain
Motion passes with two abstentions.
6. Assertions in procedural code
Dmitry has sent a doc
- Inference of enabling condition is problematic: Assertion enabled
using sampled value of inferred enable, while procedural logic
is executed using current values.
- Assertions use sampled values, which the requires special rules for
loop control variables, blocking assignments in sequential
procedures, etc.
Possible solutions
- Make it illegal to put an assertion in a spot where ambiguity exists
i.e. right after a blocking assignment.
- Make it illegal to assign a signal which appears in an assertion
using a blocking assignment.
- Use shadow variable instead of sampled value.
- Mirek's proposal: Use the control flow of a procedure as the
enabling condition and clocking event for an assertion which appears
in a procedure.
Dave Rich: Take a step back: a complete solution would allow for
concurent assertions in tasks & functions.
Steven: Synthesis tools know how to handle blocking assignments in
sequential procedures properly. Should simulator do the same?
Gord: Need a solution which is more than coding guidelines.
Dave: Don't define the solution in terms of restrictions.
i.e. assertions not allowed in function calls
Would need to come up w/ necessary synthesis semantics.
Steven: Doesn't like the fact that assertions don't execute in the flow
of the procedure.
Mirek: Proposal for Control flow used to trigger assertion
Steven: This proposal would be acceptable
But still have problem of inferring clock for temporal
Fransois: We would know how to trigger assertion, but don't know when to
turn the assertion off
Dave: Expect sequences behave similarly
Dave: Intent was for for concurrent assertions to have same behavior
regardless of placement.
Mark: Problem: always block can execute multiple times.
This proposal would introduce glitch problems
Steven: Would need to disable second iteration of execution
Gord: This will now work for loops
Steven: Another case: What about a variable assigned from loop index.
Gord: Need capability to explicity describe which variables use sampled
value, which use current value.
John: Agreed (he had suggested this last meeting)
Mark: Automatic variables could automatically use current value.
Erik: This allows for loop variables for assertions in loops.
Gord: Only if the loop index is a true automatic. Old style code would
need this new explicit method to use current value.
Tom: This would also fix cases for assertions outside procedural code.
Mark: We could be moving toward a glitch problem for enabling condition
Steven: Would you ever need to use both sampled and current value?
AI: Gord will write up an informal proposal for assertions in procedural
code. Will contain some proposed syntax, and some summary of how
it might work.
2. Checkers
Erik: Do we treat checkers as special kinds of modules?
Are untyped arguments the main reason why we can't treat them as
Gord: Checker names are in module namespace. They would be global.
Is that the intent?
Steven: This is expected.
Steven: Modules within modules have local names.
Mark: they behave as properties in name space
Steven: Could define modules in package
Gord: Not sure if there is an issue for untyped
Could inlining be just ane expression of type parameterization?
sure. Also objected to use of "parse" in the 1549 proposal.
Steven: Seems that sequences/properties are like macros
John. 1549 These were written to clarify what could be passed as an
argument We may have got some things worng
Steven must be completed
Gord: Do you have to look inside property/sequence body to reason about it
If so, then inlining semantic is required. (Not ideal)
Is the prototype expression enough to reason about the instance?
Mark: I don't think reparsing is necessary.
Gord: Inferred stuff may cause more dependencies.
Manisha: One concern: Rules for passing acutals not well defined.
Because of substitueion semantics, need to clarify rules.
Mark: Sequences/Properties Not being passed by value, or reference,
really. Need clarification. It's a fundamentally different
composition. NOt so upset that it behaves differently.
John: 1549 does contain some clarification of type casting rules.
John & Gord will work together offline to understand the passing of
arguments to properties & sequences.
(Back to assertions in procedural code topic)
Steven: Idea of triggering, rather than clocking: Could get us closer
to putting concurrent assertions within tasks or functions.
Gord: Passing clock argument by reference could solve some problems.
John: This is allowed currently. It is just a certain style of coding
Ed: But can't pass expressions by reference
Meeting adjourned
NOTE Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 6, 9:00-11:00 PDT
ErikSeligman - 29 Apr 2008