IEEE P1076.1 Working Group Telco Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2014, 8am PDT (15:00 UTC)
Status: approved by WG on January 14, 2015
- Ernst Christen, Mentor Graphics (WG chair)
- Alain Vachoux, EPFL (LRM editor)
- Zhichao Deng, Synopsys (Vice-Chair)
- Vipin Ahuja, Avid Technology, Inc.
- Joachim Haase, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS (note taker)
This was a web meeting. The main discussion topics of the meeting are covered by the
meeting slides. The minutes complement the meeting slides.
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Administrative issues
- Minutes of October 8, 2014 meeting
- IEEE patent policy
- P1076.1 bank account
- Elections
- Project discussion
- Next meeting
- Adjourn
Call to order
Ernst started the meeting at 8:05am PDT.
Approval of agenda
Agenda was aproved without changes. Alain moves, Vipin seconds.
Administrative issues
Approval of October 8, 2014 meeting minutes
October 8, 2014 minutes were approved without changes with a motion by Alain seconded by Vipin.
Review of IEEE patent policy
Ernst explained the intention of patent policy. Presentation was skipped.
P1076.1 bank account
Ernst explained that the P1076.1 WG has held some funds, left over from the 2007 revision of IEEE Std 1076.1, in an IEEE CB bank account. The funds were intended to seed the LRM work for the current revision, together with additional donations to be raised. With Alain Vachoux having stepped up to volunteer as LRM editor, these funds, which amount to approximately $1300, have outlived their purpose. The resignation of the WG Treasurer, David Smith, has forced the issue how to proceed. Ernst honored David's many contributions to the WG. Two possibilities were discussed by the officers before the WG meeting,
- electing a new Treasurer,
- and closing the account after transferring the remaining funds to the WG sponsor, the Design Automation Standards Committee (DASC).
Further details were discussed by the WG. There has been no activity in the account for several years, and the WG do not expect any need for these funds in the future. Consequences of closing the account would be
- It simplifies the annual financial reporting to the IEEE, which was done jointly by the WG Treasurer and the DASC Treasurer. More than once this has caused confusion because P1076.1 is the only WG under DASC to have its own bank account. For this reason closing the account is also the solution preferred by DASC.
- It streamlines the operation of the WG because the position of the Treasurer, vacant due to David's resignation, can be eliminated.
Ernst will put the following proposal up for a vote by the WG:
- The P1076.1 Working Group will transfer its remaining funds to the DASC and close its IEEE CB bank account.
The P&Ps of the WG have to be modified if the WG will not need a treasurer in future. Revision of the P&Ps depends on the result of the vote on the P1076.1 bank account. It is planned for January 2015 if necessary.
ElectionsJoachim's term as WG secretary ends December 2014. Ernst will start the call for nomination for the election of the secretary after the vote on the P1076.1 bank account.
Project discussion
LRM statusErnst pointed out that a baseline LRM is needed - even a partial version would be helpful.
PAR statusPAR will expire at the end of 2015. Preparing an extension shall be started at the beginning of 2015.
Table-driven ModelingWork in progress. No final results.
Vector/Matrix Operations
David Bishop is updating the package.
Frequency-Domain ModelingA
white paper exists in the member-only area of the
Frequency-Domain Modeling subcommittee. Vipin will review the paper. Joachim will provide further examples and send them to Vipin.
VHPI-AMSDavid Smith was the old champion. We do not need to have a new champion. The donation from Cadence concerns to access the VHPI information model. The needed findings for quantities and terminals should not be so difficult.
Integration of Packages Defined by IEEE Std 1076.1.1David Smith was the old champion. Integration of IEEE Std 1076.1.1 into the new LRM is straight forward and could be done within the mandatory changes of the LRM. Dimensional analysis would require a significant effort.
Next meeting
Action items for the next meeting
- Information on baseline LRM document (Alain)
- Invocation of the WG on vote on P1076.1 bank account (Ernst)
- Clarify how DASC can help to finance the WG effort after a possibly transfer of the bank account to the DASC (Ernst)
- Preparation of call for nomination for the secretary (Ernst)
- Clarify details on P&Ps revision
Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 8:00am PDT (16:00 UTC)
No other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05am PDT.
JoachimHaase - 2014-11-26