Minutes of the sv-sc sub-committee meeting, July 08, 2008
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--[---------a] Arturo Salz - Synopsys
vv[a-aaaa-aa-] Abigail Morehouse - Mentor
--[---------a] Bassam Tabbara - Synopsys
--[---------a] Brad Pierce - Synopsys
--[-----a-aaa] Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design
--[--a--aaaaa] Dave Rich - Mentor Graphics
vv[aaaaaaa-aa] Dmitry Korchemny - Intel
--[-----a-aa-] Don Mills -
--[-----aaaaa] Eduard Cerny - Synopsys
tt[aaaaaaaaaa] Erik Seligman - Intel (chair)
vv[a-aaaaaaaa] Francoise Martinolle - Cadence
vv[aaaaaaaaaa] Gordon Vreugdenhil - Mentor Graphics
vv[aaa-aaaaa-] Jin Yang - Intel
--[----aaaaaa] John Havlicek - Freescale
--[---------a] Jonathan Bromley - Doulas
--[----a--a-a] Karen Pieper - Accellera
vv[-aaaaaaaaa] Lisa Piper - Cadence
vv[aa-aaaaaaa] Manisha Kulshrestha - Mentor Graphics
vv[aaaaaaaaaa] Mark Hartoog - Synopsys
--[----aaaaaa] Mehdi Mohtashemi - Synopsys
vv[aaaaaaa...] Michael Burns - Freescale
--[a---aaaaaa] Mirek Forczek - Aldec
vv[aa--aaaaaa] Neil Korpusik - Sun Microsystems
--[--------a-] Ray Ryan - Mentor
--[--------aa] Shalom Bresticker - Intel
vv[a-aaaaaaaa] Steven Sharp - Cadence
--[-------aaa] Stu Sutherland - Sutherland HDL
--[--------aa] Surrendra Dudani - Synopsys
vv[aaaaaaaaaa] Tom Thatcher - Sun Microsystems (co-chair)
||---- Voting eligibility for current meeting
|------Voting eligibility for next meeting
1. Review the patent policy
2. Approve the minutes from the last meeting, available at
3. Review of Mantis items:
* 1728: Let statements: Vote in progress. Don't forget to vote!
Also, may need voice vote on last-minute update posted by Dmitry.
* 2415: Ended/triggered fixes: deprecate ended, use triggered
everywhere. Vote in progress. Don't forget to vote!
* 2413: Inferred functions in let (Dmitry): Was going to have some
additional review from Manisha, Dmitry after last week.
Ready to vote?
* 2398: Concurrent Asserts in Procedural Code: New semantics:
(Erik/Gord). Erik's updates based on feedback to be posted before
meeting. Ready to vote?
* 2370: $past in Procedural Code (Jin). Jin/Lisa were going to review
that issues are truly complete. Voice vote on closing as duplicate
of 1698.
* 1900: Checkers: (Dmitry/Erik/Mike/Tom): Any missing proposal
sections? Are we ready to vote once Dmitry assembles full proposal
& incorporates changes from this week's reviews?
* 2182: VPI Diagrams for Checkers (Chuck Berking): TBA.
* 2434: 1549 update: self-determined types (Gord): Assign reviewers,
plan for vote next week.
* 2396: New "@edge clk" proposal (Jin): Assign reviewers, plan for
vote next week.
* 2414: New proposal for 'let' VPI (Abi): Status?
4. Technical topics
* Opens?
1. Votes in progress on 1728 and 2415
2. Preparing for vote on 1900 (part 1 only), 2398, 2370
3. Mantis 2413 (Inferred functions in let) will be dropped
1 Patent policy
Move: Neil : Accept patent policy
Second: Michael
Unanimously approved.
2. Approve Minutes
Move: Neil: Approve minutes from last meeting
Second: Tom
Unanimously approved
3. Review of Mantis Items
* 1728: Vote in progress
Dmitry had uploaded a change based on Mirek's comments.
Only Tom had voted before this change.
Tom will review change, and re-vote on the changed proposal.
* 2415: Vote in progress
* 2413: Inferred functions in let.
Dmitry - Drop this proposal for this PAR because of potential non-intuitive
* 2398: Concurrent assertions in procedural code
Erik - Uploaded new proposal yesterday.
- Readyto vote?
- Will put in corrections and call a vote
* 2370: Past in Procedural code
Jin - Some style issues: Not a major issue.
- Could consider as a duplicate of 1698
Erik Will call an E-mail vote to consider as a duplicate of 1698.
Jin - Will put comments on 2370 to explain the issues.
* 1900:
Michael - Did intend that temporal assumptions would be used for
- Constraints are solved combinationally, using past values.
for current cycle only.
Gord - This is a quality of results problem.
Erik - For example, A |-> ##5 0 Will fail.
Gord - In Testbench area, it is possible to determine if randomiazation
fails. Here we can't tell if it fails. We just have an
assume property fire.
Dmitry - What about const free variables
Michael - May want to leave it open as to when they change
Gord - If they change they change at same time other free vars are
MIchael - change only once per timestep
Gord - once per entry into observed
MIchael - const free var: Could they be constrained with assumes?
When would we solve them?
Dmitry - Solve at beginning of simulation.
- Solve using assumptions that use only constant values
MIchael - Won't this require new syntax/semantics??
Michael - Like the idea of ignoring assumes for solving const free var
Dmitry - Formulate it as "may ignore"
Michael - But there is no impossible way to use assumptions
without having unclocked assumptions
Gord - Question about assume set What is "next" clock
Michael -
Gord - So when any of the clocks of any of the assumptions fire,
you re-solve?
Michael - has to look at it.
Michael - If there are two assumptions, with two different clocks,
that constrain two different free vars, a change in one clock
would force solving of both variables . . .
Gord - Current wording requires this.
Michael - When do variables change, when are they stable.
Michael - If you have fast clock and slow clock, free vars constrained
by assumptions on slow clock not guaranteed to be stable at
fast clock ticks.
Erik - Call for a vote on part 1
Dmitry - Wanted change to BNF
* 2182: VPI diagrams for checkers
* 2434: Self-determined types
Erik - Call for reviewers
* 2396: @edge clk
Erik - Call for reviewers
Gord: Will also look at it
* 2414: New proposal for let VPI
Erik - Reviewers?
Abi - I reviewed it already
- Wasn't there something similar in 1503?
- Will take another look.
4. Techinal Topics
* Covergroups
Tom - Covergroups are an important feature.
They are needed to create libraries of checker with
functional coverage.
Michael - Lots of complications.
Tom - Will work to resolve them.
Next meeting will be July 15
ErikSeligman - 09 Jul 2008