Approved Minutes of Aug-03-2011 SV-CC Meeting.
-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Charles Dawson (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Chuck Berking (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-xxxx*xx Francoise Martinolle (Cadence)
-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxxxx*xx Abigail Moorhouse (Mentor)
-x-xxxxxx---x-x-x--x-xxxxxxxx*xx Michael Rohleder (Freescale)
xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Bassam Tabbara (Synopsys)
xxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxx-x*-x Ghassan Khoory (Synopsys)
xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx*x- Jim Vellenga (Cadence)
xxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-x-xx-xxxxxxxx*-- Amit Kohli (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx----- George Scott (Mentor)
xxxxxx--------x----------------- Vitaly Yankelevich (Cadence)
xx-xx------xx------------------- Arnab Saha (Mentor)
xxxxx--------------------------- Arturo Saz (Synopsys)
--------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x--*xx Steve Dovich (Cadence)
-x------------------------------ Rohit Jain (Mentor)
-----------------------x--x-x*xx Ying-Tsai Chang (Springsoft)
----------------x------------*-- Doug Warmke (Mentor)
--------------x----------------- Jay Lawrence (Cadence)
----x--------------------------- Rob Slater (Freescale)
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Ghasson reviewed the patent information which can be found at
2. Approval of agenda
Chuck/George. ACCEPTED
3. Review minutes from last meeting (Jul-20-2011)
4. Liaisons
- No other meetings to report.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
- Item 3022 (continue debate, George to update on macro issue)
George sent an update to the action item on windows macros.
Discussion on what should be included from/to. Suggestion to make comment on symbol without application, the order needs to be reversed between import/export in mantis.
Suggestion to replace win32 with _
Action Item: George to update the written proposal.
Action Item: George to try getting the source code and compiling it on windows
- Item 3295 (update on response to SV-AC)
No status update.
Action Item: Follow up with Charles on the response to SV-AC
7. New business
- Item 3087 (discuss updated proposal 1.0.1 and Annex H)
Since Vitaly was not on the call at this time, discussion started on issues found by Arnob
Arnob: All new type of enumeration, arrays not same as DPI-C, want to understand motivation behind that and contrast that with users’ pain to understand
Arnob & Arturo: DPI-OO would not be compatible with current DPI-C standard
Arnob has made comments on the proposal document itself. Consensus is to upload it with a different name for the committee to share
Discussion on pragma & comments as continuation from reflector discussion by Brad Pierce and Dave Rich. Argument is for richer syntax that will not require the user to re-type the classes.
Vitaly joined 40 minutes into the call
Vitaly: Response to the pragma issue is that SV language does not provide for all different options
Arnob: However, use of pragma can cause compatibility issues between different vendors
Discussion on how much to expose or make it transparent between proposed interface to C++ and third layer language on top of C++ (Arturo, Vitaly, Jim)
Forcing tools to parse C++ should not be part of standard (Arnob)
Motion to Adjourn. Chuck/Jim. Meeting ended at 1:08pm EST.
8. Review SV-CC items with proposals:
9. Review SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only):
10. Review old business:
11. Action items
%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%
SV-CC Action Items List
12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals):
13. Next meeting
The next SV-CC meeting will be on Aug-17-2011.
The next P1800 meeting will be on ???-??-2011.
ChasDawson - 2011-08-16