Approved Minutes of Jul-20-2011 SV-CC Meeting.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Charles Dawson (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Chuck Berking (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-xxxx*xx Francoise Martinolle (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxxxx*xx Abigail Moorhouse (Mentor)
x-xxxxxx---x-x-x--x-xxxxxxxx*xx Michael Rohleder (Freescale)
xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Bassam Tabbara (Synopsys)
xxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxx-x*-x Ghassan Khoory (Synopsys)
xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx*x- Jim Vellenga (Cadence)
xxxxx-xxx-xxxx-x-xx-xxxxxxxx*-- Amit Kohli (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx----- George Scott (Mentor)
xxxxx--------x----------------- Vitaly Yankelevich (Cadence)
x-xx------xx------------------- Arnab Saha (Mentor)
xxxx--------------------------- Arturo Saz (Synopsys)
-------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x--*xx Steve Dovich (Cadence)
x------------------------------ Rohit Jain (Mentor)
----------------------x--x-x*xx Ying-Tsai Chang (Springsoft)
---------------x------------*-- Doug Warmke (Mentor)
-------------x----------------- Jay Lawrence (Cadence)
---x--------------------------- Rob Slater (Freescale)
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at
2. Approval of agenda
Michael/George. ACCEPTED
3. Review minutes from last meeting (Jun-22-2011)
Chuck/Vitaly. ACCEPTED
4. Liaisons
- Francoise had nothing to report from the other committees.
- Vitaly asked if there were other proposals that might require changes to DPI-OO.
- Francoise said that there might be some, but we should wait till they are done.
- Chas commented that he missed most of the last P1800 meeting.
- No other meetings to report.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
- Item 3022
- Jim noted that if we accept this proposal, we would be inconsistent with DPI and VHPI.
- Also, it has been this way for a long time.
- George noted that for the Microsoft compiler, WIN32 should be _WIN32
- Michael suggested that someone with recent Microsoft documentation should look this up.
- George to look up macro issue for next time.
- Jim thought that the comments apply differently for the Application Developer versus the Implementor.
- Francoise thought the comment was not good because it does not say "export from somewhere to somewhere" for example.
- Suspended debate until next time.
- Item 3295
- Bassam reviewed the proposal. He is okay with the proposal from a VPI perspective.
- Jim moves that the SV-CC respond to the SV-AC that we have no objection to the proposal for this Mantis Item.
- Bassam seconds.
- ACCEPTED. Chas to respond to the SV-AC.
- Suspended debate until next time.
7. New business
- Item 3087
- Vitaly sent a suggested agenda for reviewing this proposal, but some people did not get it. Sent it again.
- Vitaly suggested we discuss section 35, the user view today.
- Vitaly noted that he used the keyword 'ref' in the attributes. This is not supposed to be done, so we need to choose another name or change the syntax from attribute to something else. Vitaly suggested we change it from attribute to a quoted string. Francoise liked the string suggestion. Consensus was this would be okay.
- Vitaly asked if it was okay to add another proposal. Chas asked that he explain what he changed. Chuck suggested he also add a bugnote to Mantis.
- Vitaly added more examples in 35.12 and annex H.7.12 for parameterized classes.
Next meeting we will discuss Annex H.
- Chas will be on vacation at the next meeting. Ghassan will run the next meeting.
- Jim and Chuck asked what to do with reviewing implemented Mantis Items. Chas to send out instructions.
- No other new business
Motion to Adjourn. Chuck/Michael. Meeting ended at 1:02pm EST.
8. Review SV-CC items with proposals:
9. Review SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only):
10. Review old business:
11. Action items
%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%
SV-CC Action Items List
12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals):
13. Next meeting
The next SV-CC meeting will be on Aug-03-2011.
The next P1800 meeting will be on Jul-14-2011.
ChasDawson - 2011-07-20
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-08-16 - 22:15:39 -