Approved Minutes of Jun-22-2011 SV-CC Meeting.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Charles Dawson (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Chuck Berking (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-xxxx*xx Francoise Martinolle (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxxxx*xx Abigail Moorhouse (Mentor)
-xxxxxx---x-x-x--x-xxxxxxxx*xx Michael Rohleder (Freescale)
xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Bassam Tabbara (Synopsys)
xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxx-x*-x Ghassan Khoory (Synopsys)
------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x--*xx Steve Dovich (Cadence)
xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx*x- Jim Vellenga (Cadence)
xxxx-xxx-xxxx-x-xx-xxxxxxxx*-- Amit Kohli (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx----- George Scott (Mentor)
---------------------x--x-x*xx Ying-Tsai Chang (Springsoft)
--------------x------------*-- Doug Warmke (Mentor)
------------x----------------- Jay Lawrence (Cadence)
xxxx--------x----------------- Vitaly Yankelevich (Cadence)
-xx------xx------------------- Arnab Saha (Mentor)
--x--------------------------- Rob Slater (Freescale)
xxx--------------------------- Arturo Saz (Synopsys)

1. Reviewed Patent information

- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at

2. Approval of agenda

Chuck/Francoise. ACCEPTED

3. Review minutes from last meeting (Jun-08-2011)

Chuck/George. ACCEPTED

4. Liaisons

  • Francoise reported that the other committees are making progress on interface classes. Will probably need VPI changes.
  • Chas reported that he missed most of the last P1800 meeting.
  • No other meetings to report.

5. Consent Agenda

6. Expedited Agenda Items

  • Item 3599
    • Francoise noted that bit in the last sentence should be bold and a different font.
      • Jim to correct
    • Jim/Chuck. PASSED (unanimous) as amended
  • Item 3022
    • There was some question on whether the change is correct or not.
    • We should ask Steve Dovich to comment on this change. He would know.
    • Chuck commented that Doug Warmke might want to comment or review this.
    • Abi thought the comment clearly fails to clarify what is happening. Maybe we should revisit the whole thing.
    • Suspended debate until next time.
  • Item 3295
    • Everyone needs more time to understand how it works.
    • Chas to report to Neil that SV-CC needs at least two more weeks.
    • Francoise thinks we need to specify more detail on how the VPI should work.
    • Suspended debate until next time.

7. New business

  • Item 3087
    • Discussed the changes Vitaly made vs the previous version, specifically section 35.12.
    • Discussed copy classes.
    • Someone asked for more examples for the parameterized classes.
    • Chas asked everyone to report next time on how much longer they will need to review the doc.
    • Francoise suggested that we provide a schedule for reviewing the sections. Or perhaps functionally.
    • Vitaly to propose a plan for reviewing the document.
  • Can we meet on July 6th?
    • Abi, Bassam, and the Synopsis members cannot meet.
    • Next meeting will be July 20th.
  • No other new business
Motion to Adjourn. Chuck/Jim. Meeting ended at 1:10pm EST.

8. Review SV-CC items with proposals:

9. Review SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only):

10. Review old business:

11. Action items

%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }% SV-CC Action Items List

12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals):

13. Next meeting

The next SV-CC meeting will be on Jul-20-2011.

The next P1800 meeting will be on Jul-14-2011.

-- ChasDawson - 2011-06-22

Topic revision: r3 - 2011-07-20 - 16:13:22 - ChasDawson
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