Approved Minutes of May-06-2009 SV-CC Meeting.
xxxx Charles Dawson
xxxx Jim Vellenga
xxxx Chuck Berking
xxxx Francoise Martinolle
xxxx Abigail Moorhouse
-xxx John Shields
xxxx Michael Rohleder
xxxx Amit Kohli
xxx- Ying-Tsai Chang
xx-- Bassam Tabbara
x--- Ghassan Khoory
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be
found at
2. Approval of agenda
3. Review minutes from last meeting (Apr-29-2009)
4. Liaisons
- Francoise commented that the other commitees have been meeting and that
SV-AC asked about 2562. Should discuss here.
- No other meetings to report on.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
7. New business
Amit commented on the three items on which it was unclear
how to proceed. Amit has a new proposal for Item 2588.
Amit got feedback from Items 2635 and 2636. He said that
the return value is the Simulators responsibility. Decided
to explicitly work 35.9? that the return value is the responsibility
as the simulator. So for the DPI developer, the semantics are
the same for disabling in DPI or HDL. Amit has uploaded new
Closed as 'wont fix'. Michael/Chuck. PASSED (unanimous)
8. Reviewed items with proposals
Item 2627: Ballot comment #163 In Tables 38-3 and 38-5, for decimal characters, "0-9" should be in bold, for consistency.
Jim would like a comment making it more clear. Consensus was that it was fine the way it was.
Abi/Jim. PASSED (unanimous)
Item 2640 Ballot comment #149 Using the string "DPI" should result in a compile time warning
Lengthy discussion on whether or not it should be an error or warning. What is the impact of deprecating this?
Are there other places where DPI should be removed? Add a threat about deleting it in the future? If the vendor
hasn't implemented it then it would generate an error.
Item 2641 Ballot comment #150 Formal argument types for import /export subroutines should include time and integer
Jim and Francoise thinks it should refer to section 6.11.1 instead of listing everything out again. Abi is
concerned that this would be a more extensive change. Abi also thought it would be good to add to the
list two bullets up. Amit thought this would be better. Abi thinks this would be the minimalist change.
Item 2645 Ballot comment #154 Properties returning DPI information on task/function declaration are missing
This is an extensive change. Will need to make changes to the include files. Jim thinks it is a good thing to do, and
Abi agrees, but both think it is too ambitious to do now. Francoise doesn't understand vpiDPIExternAcc and vpiDPIExportAcc.
Also a typo in comment. Abi won't accept something with out actual numbers for the include file.
Francoise moved that we declare 2635 a duplicate of 2636. Chuck seconds. PASSED (unanimous)
Abi and Jim thinks that it would be better to separate the import and export tasks in this paragraph.
This would make things a lot more clear.
Motion to adjourn: Chuck/Abi. Meeting ended at 1:18 pm.
9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)
10. Old Business
11. Action items
%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%
12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)
Item 2645 Ballot comment #154 Properties returning DPI information on task/function declaration are missing
Item 2641 Ballot comment #150 Formal argument types for import /export subroutines should include time and integer
Item 2640 Ballot comment #149 Using the string "DPI" should result in a compile time warning
Item 2639 Ballot comment #148 Simplify definition of import/export call chains.
Item 2638 Ballot comment #147 no explicit behavior of a call to a DPI export subroutine
Item 2636 Ballot comment #145 contradition for return value of imported tasks,assigned
Item 2633 Ballot comment #17 Unimplemented Post-Observed PLI region clutters description
Item 2632 Ballot comment #16 Unimplemented Preponed PLI region clutters description
Item 2588 Omission of package as a legal context in which DPI imports can be declared
Item 2572 sv_vpi_user.h (Annex N source) needs repairs
Item 2427 "vpiEdge, vpiDirection should be int, not bool"
13. Next meeting
The next SV-CC meeting will be on May-13-2009.
The next P1800 meeting will be on May-14-2009.
ChasDawson - 06 May 2009