Approved Minutes of Apr-29-2009 SV-CC Meeting.


xxx Charles Dawson
xxx Jim Vellenga
xxx Chuck Berking
xxx Francoise Martinolle
xxx Abigail Moorhouse
xxx John Shields
xxx Michael Rohleder
xxx Amit Kohli
xx- Ying-Tsai Chang
x-- Bassam Tabbara

1. Reviewed Patent information

- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at

2. Approval of agenda

Chuck/Michael APPROVED

3. Review minutes from last meeting (Apr-22-2009)

  Chuck thinks that we did not pass 1775 and did pass 2572.  Jim agrees.  Chas remembers
  it the way the minutes have it.  No one else has an opinion.  Decided to leave it the way
  it is.  Jim asked if 2572 should be on the agenda.  Chas did not put it there because we
  had decided to wait till end.
    Chuck/Michael.  ACCEPTED

4. Liaisons

  - Francoise commented that the other commitees have been meeting and that 
    SV-AC asked about 2562.  Should discuss here.  
  - No other meetings to report on.

5. Consent Agenda

  - Hearing no objections
    * Item 2624 was sent to the editor as an editorial change
    * Item 2625 was declared to be Not a Bug
    * Item 2622 was declared to be Not a Bug 

6. Expedited Agenda Items

7. New business

  • Item 2588

  Issue where scopes were not completely listed.  Package was missing.
  What about a compilation unit scope?  Jim thinks we should.  Another
  way, suggested by Francoise is to eliminate the last sentence.  BNF 
  might be incorrect.  Francoise thinks we should fix the minimum, otherwise
  we are open to addition ballot comments.

  • Item 2635

  Related to Item 2636.  
  Lengthy discussion on how disable works, who should be notified,
  and what value should be returned.  Amit needs to discuss further
  with those who know disables and DPI.  Amit will set up a meeting.

Motion to adjourn: Chuck/Amit. Meeting ended at 1:10 pm.

8. Reviewed items with proposals

9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)

10. Old Business

11. Action items

%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%

12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)

  • Item 2627: Ballot comment #163 In Tables 38-3 and 38-5, for decimal characters, "0-9" should be in bold, for consistency.

  • Item 2629 Ballot comment #167 Function "vpi_get64" should be "vpi_get_long()"

  • Item 2640 Ballot comment #149 Using the string "DPI" should result in a compile time warning

  • Item 2641 Ballot comment #150 Formal argument types for import /export subroutines should include time and integer

  • Item 2645 Ballot comment #154 Properties returning DPI information on task/function declaration are missing

13. Next meeting

The next SV-CC meeting will be on May-06-2009.

The next P1800 meeting will be on May-14-2009.

-- ChasDawson - 29 Apr 2009

Topic revision: r3 - 2009-05-06 - 16:10:41 - ChasDawson
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