Minutes of SV-AC Meeting

Date: 2011-11-01

Time: 16:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)

Duration: 2 hours

Dial-in information:

Meeting ID: 38198

Phone Number(s):

1-888-813-5316 Toll Free within North America

Live Meeting:



- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.

See: http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt

- Minutes approval

- Champions' feedback

2476: Need clarification about system functions $onehot, etc

3069: Relax rules for $global_clock resolution

3145: Need to clearly define "maximal property"

3564: Sec needs to clarify whether variables read in an assertion contribute to the sensitivity of an always_comb

- Opens

Attendance Record:


x = attended

- = missed

r = represented

. = not yet a member

v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)

n = not a valid voter

t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie

Attendance re-initialized on 2010-07-06:

n[--x-xxxxx-xxx--xxx---xxxx-xxx-xxx...........................] Ashok Bhatt (Cadence)


Laurence Bisht (Intel)


Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)

v[-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx--------xx---xxx--x-xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx] Ben Cohen (Accellera)


Surrendra Dudani (Synopsys)

n[------------x-xxxxxx........................................] Shaun Feng (Freescale)

v[xxxxx---------x-x--x-x-xxxx-x-x----x-x-x--xx---xxxx---x-xxxx] Dana Fisman (Synopsys)

n[---------------------------------------xxxxx-xxxx-x-xxxxxxxx] John Havlicek (Freescale)

v[--xxxxxxxx---x-xxx-xx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx] Tapan Kapoor (Cadence)

n[--xx-xxx---x-xx-xxxxx-xxxx-x-x..............................] Jacob Katz (Intel)


Dmitry Korchemny (Intel ¿ Chair)

v[-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx] Scott Little (Freescale)


Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)


Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)

v[-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx--xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx--x-xx-xxx-xx--xxxxxxx-xxx] Erik Seligman (Intel)

v[xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-x-xxx-xxxx-xxxx--xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)

v[xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx] Tom Thatcher (Oracle ¿ Co-Chair)

n[------------------------xx---xx-------x.....................] Srini Venkataramanan (CVC Pvt Ltd)


Vibarajan Viswanathan (Marvell)

|- attendance on 2011-11-01

|--- voting eligibility on 2011-11-01

- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.

See: http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt

Participants were reminded of the IEEE patent policy

- Minutes approval

Tom: Move to approve minutes from last meeting

Samik: Second

Vote Results: 5y, 0n, 0a.

- Champions' feedback

2476: Need clarification about system functions $onehot, etc

Mainly editorial changes

Tom: Move to approve amended proposal

Samik: Second

Vote results 5y, 0n, 0a

3069: Relax rules for $global_clock resolution

Dmitry: Shalom sent feedback early, but Champions e-mail ballot not

complete yet

Manisha: Default clocking only allows one withing a module. Unclear what happens

if a default clocking occurs within a generate block. is it visible

to rest of module?

Global clocking: searches upward in hierarchy for global clocking

Default clocking: does not search upward

Question: Should a global clocking inside a Generate block be visible to

the rest of the module?

Dmitry: Should wait for completion of Champions vote.

3206: Deferred assertions are sensitive to glitches

Dmitry: Champions vote has not concluded yet, but Shalom has sent a negative vote.

Comments are straightforward.

3145: Need to clearly define "maximal property"

Dmitry: Problem was that a requirement was contained in a footnote.


are only for informative text.

Dmitry: Erik has already updated the proposal, but he deleted the old one, so

it's hard to see what the change was.

Dana: Why wasn't definition put into the glossary?

Manisha: At the time, it was thought that the glossary was incomplete, and that

the reader would not automatically look in the glossary.

Dmitry: Will call for an e-mail vote

3564: Sec needs to clarify whether variables read in an assertion

contribute to the sensitivity of an always_comb

Dmitry: Objection was that there was no statement about whether new rules

applied to always @* procedures.

Manisha: Existing text shows differences between always_comb and always @*

The always @* is not sensitive to function arguments to function call.

Add a sentence in this section.

Manisha will update the section.

- Opens

Dmitry: Will call a meeting next week if there is more feedback to discuss

Otherwise, we will cancel the meeting.

Topic revision: r1 - 2011-11-07 - 21:43:03 - ErikSeligman
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