KarenPieper - 26 Jun 2008
Minutes of the June 26, 2008 Meeting of the IEEE P1800 WG
1) Call to Order; Introductions & Affiliations
- Stu Sutherland Editor
- Dave Rich Mentor DR
- Mehdi Mohteshemi Synopsys DR
- Shalom Bresticker Intel
- Yossi Levi Intel DR
- Karen Pieper Accellera DR
- Neil Korpusik Sun DR
- Charles Dawson Cadence DR
2) Approve agenda:
- ) Call to order; Introductions & affiliations
- ) Approve agenda
- ) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
- ) Approval of Meeting Minutes
- ) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial update
- ) Editing Update
- ) Schedule Status Update
- ) P1800 Technical Committees and Champions Operational Update
- ) New Business
- ) Next meeting
- ) Adjournment
Dave moves to approve the agenda. Yossi seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
3) Call for Patents
- Chair Pieper directed the group's attention to the URL for the patent policy.
4) Approval of Minutes
- Neil moves that we approve the minutes for the May 29, 2008 meeting. Mehdi seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
5) Funding, Budgeting and Financial Update
- IEEE on track to pay Stu.
- IEEE in process of Draft 6 review. Karen to check that they are using the clean draft.
6) Editing update.
- Draft 6 was completed two weeks ago and posted.
7) Schedule Status Update
- May 29, 2008 Approximate date for Draft 6
- -------------- Proposed IEEE submission for third paid review
- June 26, 2008 Teleconference 8am
- July 20 (was 1), 2008 Date for completion of third IEEE review
- August 1, 2008 Proposed feature freeze for the Assertions integration committee
- August 7, 2008 Champions meeting to confirm final changes
- August 14, 2008 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- Feature freeze in the P1800
- September 11, 2008 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- Pre-ballot draft available (Draft 7)
- -------------- Submit draft for IEEE unpaid ballot review
- September 20, 2008 Remind entities to become members
- September 25, 2008 Two year anniversary for officer elections
- October 11, 2008 IEEE unpaid review complete
- October 23, 2008 Last editing corrections filed in svdb
- October 23, 2008 Open the invitation to ballot
- October 30, 2008 Champions meeting
- November 13, 2008 P1800 approval due
- November 21, 2008 Adding the date for the Ballot draft to be available. We will look into pulling this date in in the September meeting
- November 23, 2008 Close of the invitation to ballot
- November 30, 2008 Balance in the balloting group confirmed
- -------------- Ballot draft available
- -------------- Balloting begins
- December 30, 2008 Ballot closes
- January 15, 2009 Ballot responses available
- February 15, 2009 Committees respond to ballot responses
- February 22, 2009 Champions meeting
- March 1, 2009 P1800 approval
- March 15, 2009 Recirculation draft (Was May 31 for 1800-2005)
- April 1, 2009 Recirculation results back
- June 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce IEEE-SA Approval
- August 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce Publication available
- We should consider having Draft 7a available earlier in November, so that there can be a longer review.
- Dave has some concern that agreement on the SV-SC items are not all converging fast enough to make the August 1 freeze. The committee agreed to leave our August 14 meeting where it is, and not move it earlier. The SV-SC should continue to drive toward closure.
8) P1800 Technical Committees and Champions Operational Update
- Reviewed Champions feedback:http://www.eda-stds.org/sv-ieee1800/hm/0719.html
- Neil moves that we approve Mantis 2399, 2374. Dave seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
- Neil moves that we approve Mantis 2008. Charles seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
- Reviewed Technical Committee Slides can be found at: http://www.eda-stds.org/sv-ieee1800/hm/0719.html
9) New business
- Karen to check to see if we can update the draft available at the IEEE store.
10) Next Meeting
- September 11, 2008 P1800 Meeting teleconference, 8am Pacific
11) Adjournment
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-06-26 - 16:47:59 -