IEEE P1076.1 Working Group Telco Meeting Minutes - November 11, 2015, 8am PST (16:00 UTC)
Status: approved by WG on December 8, 2015
- Ernst Christen, Mentor Graphics (WG chair)
- Alain Vachoux, EPFL (LRM editor)
- Joachim Haase (note taker)
This was a web meeting. Attendees constitute a quorum. The main discussion topics of the meeting are covered by the
meeting slides. The minutes complement the meeting slides.
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Administrative issues
- Minutes of October 14, 2015 meeting
- IEEE patent policy
- P&P update
- Officer elections
- Project discussion
- Review of LCSs: 201x-02, 201x-04, 201x-05, 201x-07, 201x-08, 201x-10, 201x-12, 201x-13
- Approval of revised LCSs, where possible
- Discussion on new LCSs
- LRM status
- Next meeting
- Adjourn
Agenda was approved.
Administrative issues
Approval of October 14, 2015 minutes
October 14, 2015 minutes were approved.
Patent policy
Ernst offered to show the patent policy, but presentation was unnecessary since the attendees are all regulars.
Policies and Procedures for the IEEE P1076.1 Working Group updateThe DASC vote procedure was started on October 31, 2015. The two week ballot is running until the end of week 46. Ernst will send out an e-mail regarding the result and provide the new P&P in the administration section of the WG
TWiki site.
Officer elections
After approval of the new P&Ps by the DASC, the election of WG Chair and Vice-Chair will be started. Joachim will act as Returning officer.
Project discussion
Review of LCSs
A overview on the status of the
Language Change Specifications is represented in the
meeting slides. There are no new reviews available since the last WG meeting.
Approval of revised LCSs, where possible
LCS 201x-04 Types and natures was approved. Status will be updated in approved LCSs.
Discussion on new LCSsErnst submitted a new LCS 201x-14 Elaboration and execution. The LCS adjusts the elaboration of port association elements or elements in the association list associated with port declations to quantity ports. If the association element is a static expression its value has only once to be determined in the elaboration phase.
LRM statusThe
P1076.1-201X LRM editing information is provided in the Member-only area. The numbering procedure for LRM versions can be found in the
meeting slides.
Other projectsThere was no progress of the Table-Driven Modeling project and the Vector/Matrix Operation project.
Next meeting
The next WG meeting will take place in December. Ernst will sent out an invitation.
No other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 am PST.
JoachimHaase - 2015-11-12