Object Introspection in VHDL
Proposal Details
- Who Updates: Jing Pang
- Date Proposed: 2015-7-15
- Date Last Updated: 2015-7-15
- Priority:
- Complexity:
- Focus:
Current Situation
WG meeting 2016-0907: reject - need more relevant examples
VHDL's attribute mechanism provides a introspection capability and provides access to simulation behavior.
For example, the attribute of 'INSTANCE_NAME provides Hierarchical name of the entity.
However, the attribute feature of VHDL has limited ability to determine the name and data types of
data members in an object.
Using introspection allows one design entity to dynamically dtermaine name and data type values of
parameters in the design.
Use a method "instanceof" combined with attribute, pointer and level of hierichy
features for object instrospection.
Implementation details
1). (intanceof(entity_name)'class_name->object_name, level_number)
This returns '1' to represent the intropection success.
This returns '0' to represent the intropection failure.
2). (intanceof(entity_name)'class_name->all, level_number)
This displays all names
Allowed class_name:
port, architecture, signal, process, process_label,
instance_label, function, procedure
Level_number: 0 indicate current top hierarchical level;
1 indicate 1 level lower than the top hierarchical level;
2 indicate 2 levels lower than the top hiearchical level;
Code Examples
Half Adder:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity ha is
port( a, b: in std_logic;
cout, s: out std_logic);
end ha;
architecture dataflow of ha is
s <= a xor b;
cout <= a and b;
end dataflow;
Full Adder:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fa is
port( a, b, cin: in std_logic;
cout, s: out std_logic);
end fa;
architecture fa_beh of fa is
signal sm, p, q: std_logic;
component ha
port( a, b: in std_logic;
cout, s: out std_logic);
end component;
u1: ha port map(a=>a, b=>b, cout=> p, s=> sm );
u2: ha port map(a=>sm, b=>cin, cout=> q, s=> s );
cout <= p or q;
end fa_beh;
Testbench for Full Adder Design:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity test_fa is
end test_fa;
architecture beh of test_fa is
component fa
port( a, b, cin: in std_logic;
cout, s: out std_logic );
end component;
signal a, b, cin, cout, s: std_logic;
uut: fa port map( a => a, b=> b, cin=> cin, cout => cout, s=>s);
a <= '0'; b<='0'; cin <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
a <= '0'; b<='0'; cin <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
a <= '0'; b<='1'; cin <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
-- Pseudocodes are shown below
--$display( intanceof(entity_name)'class_name->object_name, level_number )
--$display( intanceof(entity_name)'class_name->all, level_number )
-- Pseudocode
$display(intanceof(fa)'port->a, 1); -- This resturns '1' to indicate a is a port for full adder
$display(instanceof(test_fa)'instance_label->uut, 0); -- This resturns '1' to indicate uut is an instance label
$display(instanceof(fa)'port->all, 1); -- This returns all port names of a, b, cin, cout, s.
end process;
end beh;
Use Cases
Testbench Simulation, Design Verification, etc.
Arguments FOR
Arguments AGAINST
General Comments
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