Language Change Specification for Partially Connected Vectors on Port Map Proposal
LRM Generic clauses
LCS 001.1: page 78 last paragraph
Changes shown in
red font below.
The value of a
formal generic constant may be specified by the corresponding actual in a generic association list. If no such actual is specified for a given formal generic constant
or subelement or slice thereof (either because the formal generic is unassociated or because the actual is
open), and if a default expression is specified for that generic
constant or subelement or slice thereof, the value of this expression is the value of the generic
constant or subelement or slice thereof. It is an error if no actual is specified for a given formal generic constant
or subelement or slice thereof and no default expression is present in the corresponding interface element.
It is an error if some of the subelements of a composite formal generic constant are connected and others are either unconnected or unassociated.
LRM Port Clauses
LCS 001.2: page 80 last paragraph
If a formal port
or subelement or slice thereof is associated with an actual port, signal, or expression, then the formal port is said to be
connected . If a formal port
or subelement or slice thereof is instead associated with the reserved word
open , then the formal is said to be
unconnected . It is an error if a port
or subelement or slice thereof of mode
in is unconnected (see or unassociated (see unless its declaration includes a default expression (see 6.5.2). It is an error if a port
or subelement or slice thereof of any mode other than
in is unconnected or unassociated and its type is an unconstrained or partially constrained composite type.
It is an error if some of the subelements of a composite formal port are connected and others are either unconnected or unassociated.
LRM Association Lists -- General
LCS 001.3: page 83 near the bottom of the page, second paragraph above 'Note 1'
It is an error if an actual of open is associated with a formal interface object that is associated individually. An actual of open counts as the single association allowed for the corresponding formal interface object
or subelement or slice thereof, but does not supply a constant, signal, or variable (as is appropriate to the object class of the formal) to the formal.
14.3.5 Port map aspect
LCS 001.4: Page 205 near top, first paragraph after d)
If a given port is a port of mode in whose declaration includes a default expression, and if no association element associates a signal or expression with that port
or subelement or slice thereof, then the default expression is evaluated and the effective and driving value of the port
or subelement or slice thereof is set to the value of the default expression.
Kevin Jennings - 2016-10-21