Re: [vhdl-200x] Corrections to Minutes for VHDL-200X-FT meeting,San Jose Dec 4, 2003

Subject: Re: [vhdl-200x] Corrections to Minutes for VHDL-200X-FT meeting,San Jose Dec 4, 2003
From: Andy D Jones (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 07:03:05 PST

This slope is getting slippery...!  First we said this would only be in conditionals, now we're going to extend it to expressions?  Where will it be next?  Why not just abandon strong typing altogether and "let the compiler figure out what we meant"?

This perfectly illustrates why I think it is a bad idea: when users start to ask "Why can I get away with this here, but not there?" and we don't have a good answer, then we'll be chipping more and more out of the guts of vhdl 'till it looks and functions like verilog.

Wrong direction guys!

Andy Jones
Lockheed Martin
Missiles & Fire Control
Dallas TX

Jim Lewis wrote:
If we limit boolean conversion to being only applied
at the top most level then we need to provide the following
overloading to logic operators to make it generally useful:
     L     R      return
     sul   bool   bool
     bool  sul    bool
     bit   bool   bool
     bool  bit    bool


Marcus Harnisch wrote:


Jim Lewis writes:
 >    2)  if clk and clk'event then     -- W/ the implicit boolean conversion

Did I miss anything? I was under the impression that the implicit
boolean conversion will only be wrapped around the condition. Here you
are giving an example where an implicit conversion is applied on the
left argument to "and".

Best regards,

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