Approved Minutes of Jun-13-2012 SV-CC Meeting.
xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Charles Dawson (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Chuck Berking (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-xxxx*xx Francoise Martinolle (Cadence)
xx-xxxxxx--x-xxxxxx---x-x-x--x-xxxxxxxx*xx Michael Rohleder (Freescale)
-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Bassam Tabbara (Synopsys)
x---xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxx-x*-x Ghassan Khoory (Synopsys)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx*x- Jim Vellenga (Cadence)
---x---xxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-x-xx-xxxxxxxx*-- Amit Kohli (Cadence)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx----- George Scott (Mentor)
---xx-xx-xxxxxxx--------x----------------- Vitaly Yankelevich (Cadence)
-----xxxxxxx-xx------xx------------------- Arnab Saha (Mentor)
-----xxxxxxxxxx--------------------------- Arturo Salz (Synopsys)
-----------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxxxx*xx Abigail Moorhouse (Mentor)
--------xx--------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x--*xx Steve Dovich (Cadence)
-----------x------------------------------ Rohit Jain (Mentor)
---------------------------------x--x-x*xx Ying-Tsai Chang (Springsoft)
--------------------------x------------*-- Doug Warmke (Mentor)
------------------------x----------------- Jay Lawrence (Cadence)
--------------x--------------------------- Rob Slater (Freescale)
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at
2. Approval of agenda
Jim/Michael. ACCEPTED
3. Review minutes from last meeting (May-16-2012)
Jim/George. ACCEPTED
4. Liaisons
Item 2182 came up in the ballot resolution committee. Francoise and Chuck told them that we cannot possibly solve it. Chas will add the SV-CC comments and assign to Francoise. Also needs to be set to immediate priority. No other meetings to report
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
7. Review SV-CC items with proposals:
- Item 3127
- Some discussion on whether we need to be more explicit about when within the time slice the callback would occur.
- Francoise/Michael. PASSED (unanimous)
8. New business
ChasDawson - 2012-06-13
Topic revision: r2 - 2012-07-11 - 16:05:07 -