Approved Minutes of June-23-2010 SV-CC Meeting.


xxxxx*xx Charles Dawson
xxxxx*xx Chuck Berking
-xxxx*xx Francoise Martinolle
xxxxx*xx Abigail Moorhouse
xxxxx*xx Michael Rohleder
--x-x*xx Ying-Tsai Chang
xxxxx*xx Bassam Tabbara
xxx-x*-x Ghassan Khoory
x-x--*xx Steve Dovich
xxxxx*x- Jim Vellenga
xxxxx*-- Amit Kohli
xxx----- George Scott

1. Reviewed Patent information

- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at

2. Approval of agenda

Chuck/Bassam APPROVED

3. Review minutes from last meeting (May-26-2010)

Jim/Chuck.  ACCEPTED

4. Liaisons

 - PAR has been approved, but no additional direction from the P1800 committee because they do not meet until tomorrow.
 - No other meetings to report on.

5. Consent Agenda

6. Expedited Agenda Items

7. New business

  • Continue discussion on SV-CC contributions to the Scope Document
    • Was not much more discussion on it. Need to know more from P1800 how to proceed.
  • Begin development for next draft!
    • Chuck has been working on Item 1477 - Virtual interfaces Should have it ready for the next meeting.
    • Item 3116 - Chuck recently added this one. Would like this added to the agenda for the next meeting.
    • Jim has started working on several proposals, but they need to be reviewed (Item 1752)
  • Jim noted that Chas has not updated the Items from last time
  • Chas asked if anyone needed access to Mantis.
    • George needs an account
    • Ying-Tsai needs an account
    • Amit needs an account

Motion to Adjourn. Jim/Steve. Meeting ended at 12:20pm EDT.

8. Reviewed items with proposals

9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)

10. Old Business

11. Action items

%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%

12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)

13. Next meeting

The next SV-CC meeting will be on Jun-23-2010.

The next P1800 meeting will be on Jun-24-2010.

-- ChasDawson - 2010-06-23

Topic revision: r3 - 2010-07-21 - 16:13:57 - ChasDawson
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