Approved Minutes of Feb-03-2010 SV-CC Meeting.


xx Charles Dawson
xx Chuck Berking
xx Francoise Martinolle
xx Abigail Moorhouse
xx Michael Rohleder
xx Ying-Tsai Chang
xx Bassam Tabbara
-x Ghassan Khoory
xx Steve Dovich
x- Jim Vellenga

1. Reviewed Patent information

- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at <a target="_top" href=""></a>

2. Approval of agenda

Chuck/Michael APPROVED

3. Review minutes from last meeting (Jan-20-2010)

    Chuck/Francoise  ACCEPTED

4. Liaisons

- No other meetings to report on.

5. Consent Agenda

6. Expedited Agenda Items

7. New business

  • Continue discussion on issues that should be included in the next PAR

Ying-Tsai commented that the aggregate objects data model is incomplete.   Wants an efficient
mechanism for tracking value changes of the elements of aggregate objects.  Wants to standardize
on a name for objects which are not named in the HDL but are named in VPI.  Discussed the 
possibility of canonical names for dynamic objects. 

Abi brought up an interface for coverage info in Accellera.  Very distinct from VPI.  Provides access to 
coverage data both during simulation and after simulation.  Unified Coverage Interoperability Standard.
Vernon Lee, Hemant, GD, David Scott (was Mentor Champion).  

Jim brought up that VPI does not handle statements used as expressions and functions used as

Jim brought up the 120 open SV-CC Mantis Items that should be investigated.  Francoise thinks we
should focus on getting VPI in sync with the LRM.  There are many holes.  

Chuck brought up the weaknesses in Virtual interfaces again.

Chas will put together a presentation with our ideas on what should be done by next Weds.  Then we
can discuss at our next meeting.  

Motion to adjourn. Michael/Chuck. Meeting ended at 12:40pm.

8. Reviewed items with proposals

9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)

10. Old Business

11. Action items

12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)

13. Next meeting

The next SV-CC meeting will be on Feb-17-2010.

-- ChasDawson - 2010-02-03

Topic revision: r2 - 2010-02-17 - 17:12:12 - ChasDawson
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