Approved Minutes of Apr-08-2009 SV-CC Meeting.
x Charles Dawson
x Jim Vellenga
x Chuck Berking
x Francoise Martinolle
x Abigail Moorhouse
x John Shields
x Michael Rohleder
x Amit Kohli
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be
found at
2. Approval of agenda
Chuck/Francoise APPROVED
3. Review minutes from last meeting (Jan-28-2009)
4. Liaisons
- Chas commented on the P1800 meeting.
Draft passed 10-0. There were 192 comments. SV-CC got 31 unique ones.
Need to determine if we can be done by May 14th.
Need to respond to P1800 by next Thursday.
- No other meetings to report on.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
7. New business
Discuss issues during balloting
We went through each ballot comment and assigned an owner.
- 1775 Chuck - already has proposal
- 2427 Chas - looks easy
- 2572 Chuck - Passed by email. chuck has an addendum from Shalom
- 2576 Jim - already has proposal
- 2582 Bassam
- 2588 Amit
- 2621 Jim - Might be complicated. Some discussion.
- 2622 Chuck - already fixed?
- 2623 Chas
- 2624 Chas
- 2625 Chas
- 2626 Chas
- 2627 Abi
- 2628 Chuck
- 2629 John
- 2630 Abi
- 2631 Chas
- 2632 Francoise
- 2633 Francoise
- 2634 Should go to SV-BC
- 2635 Amit
- 2636 Amit
- 2637 Chas
- 2638 Amit
- 2639 Amit
- 2640 Amit
- 2641 Amit
- 2642 Should go to SV-BC
- 2643 Should go to SV-BC
- 2644 Abi
- 2645 Amit
Is it possible to get the source from Stu? Chas to ask him.
Discuss schedule - Can we complete ballot items before May-14-2009?
Everyone with assigned mantis items will get back to chas by weds if they think they
will need more time.
After some discussion we concluded that we should meet again in two weeks
at our regularly scheduled time.
Motion to adjourn: Chuck/Michael. Meeting ended at 1:15 pm.
8. Reviewed items with proposals
9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)
10. Old Business
11. Action items
%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%
12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)
13. Next meeting
The next SV-CC meeting will be on Apr-22-2009.
The next P1800 meeting will be on May-14-2009.
ChasDawson - 08 Apr 2009
Topic revision: r4 - 2009-04-22 - 16:14:06 -