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Unapproved Minutes of 10/22/2008 SV-CC Meeting.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx Charles Dawson
xx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jim Vellenga
--xxx*xx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx---xx--xxxxx-xxxx--xxxxxx-x Michael Rohleder
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Chuck Berking
x-x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xx--xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx Bassam Tabbara
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-x-xxxxxxx Francoise Martinolle
-x-xx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx- Ghassan Khoory
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx Abigail Moorhouse
x-xxxxx-x-xxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------- John Shields
--x---xxxx-xx-x-xxx--x-xxxxx--xxxx------------------- Anil Arora
-----x---xx--x--------------------------------------- Erik Seligman
----------xx-xxxx-xxx-------------x-----xx----------- Steve Dovich
--------------x-xxx-xx-x------xxx-x--x--xxxx----xx-xx Amit Kohli
-------------------xx-x-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-x-xxxx Ralph Duncan
-----------------x--xx--xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxx Andrzej Litwiniuk
----------------------x-xxxx--xxxx------------------- Pankaj Pal
------------------------x-x----xx-------------------- Arjinder Vasir
-------------x-----------------------x--------------- Stu Sutherland
-----------------------------------x----------------- Gord Vreugdenhil
-----x--------------------x-------------------------- Neil Korpusik
-----------------------x----------------------------- John Havlicek

1. Reviewed Patent information

- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be found at

2. Approval of agenda


3. Review of minutes

3a. Review minutes from next to last meeting (09/10/2008)


3b. Review minutes from last meeting (10/08/2008)


4. Liaisons

  - No other meetings to report on.

5. Consent Agenda

6. Expedited Agenda Items

7. New business

  • Item 2226

  The SV-CC had conducted a vote via email, and all members with voting rights had
  responded.  The results were that the latest proposal PASSED unanimously.
  No further action is needed on this Item.

  • Review of remaining Items fixed in Draft 7a

  Only a few Items remain to be reviewed, most notably Item 2226.  We should
  review them ASAP.

  • Next meeting

  ?? moved that the chair schedule the next SV-CC meeting after we get review
  comments back from the ballot draft.  The chair needs to give at least one week
  notice to the SV-CC when meetings restart.  ?? seconds.  ACCEPTED

Motion to adjourn: ??/??. Meeting ended at 12:40pm.

8. Reviewed items with proposals

9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)

10. Old Business

11. Action items

%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%

12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)

13. Next meeting

The next SV-CC meeting will be scheduled after review comments from the ballot draft are available.

The next P1800 meeting will be on 11/13/2008.

-- ChasDawson - 23 Oct 2008

Topic revision: r4 - 2009-01-13 - 16:41:53 - ChasDawson
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