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Unapproved Minutes of 10/22/2008 SV-CC Meeting.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx Charles Dawson
xx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jim Vellenga
--xxx*xx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx---xx--xxxxx-xxxx--xxxxxx-x Michael Rohleder
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Chuck Berking
x-x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xx--xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx Bassam Tabbara
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xx-xx-x-xxxxxxx Francoise Martinolle
-x-xx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx---xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx- Ghassan Khoory
x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx Abigail Moorhouse
x-xxxxx-x-xxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------- John Shields
--x---xxxx-xx-x-xxx--x-xxxxx--xxxx------------------- Anil Arora
-----x---xx--x--------------------------------------- Erik Seligman
----------xx-xxxx-xxx-------------x-----xx----------- Steve Dovich
--------------x-xxx-xx-x------xxx-x--x--xxxx----xx-xx Amit Kohli
-------------------xx-x-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-x-xxxx Ralph Duncan
-----------------x--xx--xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx-x-xxx Andrzej Litwiniuk
----------------------x-xxxx--xxxx------------------- Pankaj Pal
------------------------x-x----xx-------------------- Arjinder Vasir
-------------x-----------------------x--------------- Stu Sutherland
-----------------------------------x----------------- Gord Vreugdenhil
-----x--------------------x-------------------------- Neil Korpusik
-----------------------x----------------------------- John Havlicek
1. Reviewed Patent information
- Chas reviewed the patent information which can be
found at
2. Approval of agenda
3. Review of minutes
3a. Review minutes from next to last meeting (09/10/2008)
3b. Review minutes from last meeting (10/08/2008)
4. Liaisons
- No other meetings to report on.
5. Consent Agenda
6. Expedited Agenda Items
7. New business
The SV-CC had conducted a vote via email, and all members with voting rights had
responded. The results were that the latest proposal PASSED unanimously.
No further action is needed on this Item.
Review of remaining Items fixed in Draft 7a
Only a few Items remain to be reviewed, most notably Item 2226. We should
review them ASAP.
?? moved that the chair schedule the next SV-CC meeting after we get review
comments back from the ballot draft. The chair needs to give at least one week
notice to the SV-CC when meetings restart. ?? seconds. ACCEPTED
Motion to adjourn: ??/??. Meeting ended at 12:40pm.
8. Reviewed items with proposals
9. Reviewed SV-CC items with proposals (Straw poll only)
10. Old Business
11. Action items
%ACTIONSEARCH{ state="(?!closed).*" topic="SVCCActionList" }%
12. Items for consideration at the next meeting (they already have proposals)
13. Next meeting
The next SV-CC meeting will be scheduled after review comments from the ballot draft are available.
The next P1800 meeting will be on 11/13/2008.
ChasDawson - 23 Oct 2008
Topic revision: r4 - 2009-01-13 - 16:41:53 -