Date: 2017-01-09

Time: 16.00:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)

Duration: 1 hour


Attendance Record


x = attended

- = missed

r = represented

. = not yet a member

v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)

n = not a valid voter

t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie

Attendance re-initialized on 2016-03-09:

v[.x-xxxxx---xx-xx] Mehbub Ali (Intel)

n[.xx--x------x---] Ang Boon Chong (Intel)

v[x-x-xx-x-x—-x-xx] Shalom Bresticker (Accellera)

n[.x--------------] Dennis Brophy (Mentor Graphics)

v[xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x] Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)

v[xx-xx-xxxxxxxx-x] Ben Cohen (Accellera)

t[x-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx] Dmitry Korchemny (Synopsys - Chair)

n[xxx-x-x---------] Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)

v[xxxxxxxx-xx-xxx-] Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)

v[xxxxxxxxxxxx-xx-] Erik Seligman (Intel – Co-chair)

n[x-x-xxxx-xx-x---] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)

|- attendance on 2017-01-09

|--- voting eligibility on 2017-01-09


IEEE patent policy reminder

LRM P1800-2017 Draft D1 review


Jan 24 – all SV-AC review issues must be filed

Feb 07 – all SV-AC review issues must be resolved

Feb 14 – 1800 meeting targeted to review and approve final draft

Review rules

  • Everybody received a set of Mantis item to review their implementation and the LRM fragment to proofread
  • If Mantis item is OK - send an email, if not - write a comment what is wrong and move the Mantis into Editor state
  • When proofreading the LRM, pay attention to all changes (not only belonging to SV-AC) and existing text related to assertion realm. If there is an editorial problem related to existing Mantis, add a comment and move it to the Editor state. If there is a new editorial problem, create a new Mantis and move its status to Editor. If there is a technical problem, just create a new Mantis. Also, check all cross-reference related to assertions or referred in assertion-related stuff. Check references to previous LRMs.
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-01-18 - 19:19:33 - ErikSeligman
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