Minutes from SV-AC Committee Meeting
Date: 2010-08-03
Time: 16:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Dial-in information:
Meeting ID: 38198
Phone Number(s):
1-888-813-5316 Toll Free within North America
- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.
- Minutes approval
- Email ballot results
- New issues
3168: expression1 is not an argument to $past
- Issue resolution/discussion
2398: Surprising (to some users) interaction between deferred assertions
& short-circuiting
1763: The LRM does not define whether assertion control tasks affect
sequence methods and events
1853: BNF for calls to $rose and other sample value system functions.
2485: terminology related to immediate and deferred assertions.
2558: Restriction inside checker construct
2452: No vacuity information about synchronous aborts
2904: Clarify when disable iff condition must occur relative to starting
and ending of an attempt
3134: sequence and property range parameters are erroneously defined
3135: Verbal explanation of nexttime and always is misleading for
multiple clocks
2353: 'classes' missing from description
1678: Clarify that rewriting algorithm doesn't replace name resolution
2571: confusing assertion clock inference rule
2386: Rename 16.9 to "Local variables"?
- Enhancement progress update
2328: Review and relax restrictions on data types in assertions
2412: Allow clock inference in sequences
2093: Checker construct (Mantis 1900) should permit output arguments
- Opens
Attendance Record:
x = attended
- = missed
r = represented
. = not yet a member
v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)
n = not a valid voter
t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie
Attendance re-initialized on 2010-07-06:
n[--xxx] Laurence Bisht (Intel)
v[xxxx-] Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)
v[xxxxx] Ben Cohen
v[xxxxx] Surrendra Dudani (Synopsys)
v[-xxxx] Dana Fisman (Synopsys)
v[xxxxx] John Havlicek (Freescale)
v[xxxxx] Tapan Kapoor (Cadence)
t[xxxxx] Dmitry Korchemny (Intel ¿ Chair)
v[xxxxx] Scott Little (Freescale)
v[xxxxx] Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxxx] Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)
v[x-xxx] Erik Seligman (Intel)
v[xxxx.] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)
v[x-xxx] Tom Thatcher (Oracle ¿ Co-Chair)
|- attendance on 2010-08-03
|--- voting eligibility on 2010-08-03
IEEE Patent Policy: Attendees were reminded of the policy
Approval of minutes:
Ben: Move to approve minutes
Samik: Second
Voting Results: 11y, 0n, 0a
New issue: 3168 in $past
Scott: "expression" vs "expression1" typo
Dmitry: May have already been resolved in recent Mantis item: Will check.
Email Ballot Results:
Dmitry: 1756 and 2871 passed
2353 One negative vote: Ben:
Ben: Trying to understand what static variable means in a class
Anupam: Section 8.9 explains static class variables
Samik: Can we use static methods in a class?
Dmitry: Yes, I believe they can.
If function accesses automatic variable, is that legal?
Manisha: 16.6 Says that only automatic functions may be used within
Tom: Move to accept 2353
Anupam: Second
Voting results: 11y, 0n, 0a
Issue Resolution/Discussion
2938: Surprising (to some users) interaction between deferred assertions
& short-circuiting
Ed: This was normal behavior. Proposal seems to imply an exception
Erik: Ran into this problem on a real project. Deferred assertion did not
fire correctly because of this.
Scott: Some language needed to explain this
However, it seems to belong in a "gotchas" paper
John: Don't use sweeping statements that may have other exceptions.
Ed: Add as a regular example, without calling them exceptions.
Erik: Will add language to existing section to mention this.
Won't have separate section to discuss short circuiting.
2732: Future Value functions
Ed: Original proposal was just clarification of exising text.
Vote that one, then add another mantis Item
John: The new text in this proposal is already implied by the existing
language in the preceding paragraphs.
Tom: Move to accept proposal for 2732
John: Second
Voting Results: 11y, 0n, 0a
1763 The LRM does not define whether assertion control tasks affect
sequence methods and events
Ed: Thought that we had decided to close with no change needed
Erik: But there's no note on the Mantis item to suggest this
Last comment was dated 2007
Ed: Will review and post a comment.
1853: BNF for calls to $rose and other sample value system functions
John: Think section number is correct still.
Dmitry: Is this section of BNF quoted in other places of the standard
Surrendra will check.
Anupam: One example on p 35.
John: proposal may not cover $past, which has more arguments
Surrendra: Proposal needs work.
2328: Data types in assertions
Scott: Has sent out a proposal
Scott: Removes restriction to integer types in assertions
Real inequality can stand as a boolean
i.e. 0.0 would be false, other values true
$time, $realtime: should they be sampled?
Ed: Variables of type time should not be sampled
John: Typically, assertions not aware of the time, so this may not matter.
System Functions
Erik: No progress
Checker output arguments
Dmitry: Before we add output args, need to resolve sampling of checker args.
Any objection to focusing on sampling?
What happens with free variables?
Free variables not sampled, but what if free variables connected to
output arg of checker, which is connected with input arg to another
checker. Is it sampled?
Ed Would this cause a problem if it were sampled?
John: Have you done the thought experiment?
Ed: Suppose we remove sampling of all checker args. Sampling is determined
after inlining.
Dmitry: Would be a good idea.
Anupam: Proposal is mostly written. Have some issues.
Anupam: What about nesting of programs: Programs may appear within modules.
(can't nest within another program)
Ed: Default clocking is visible inside the nested module/program
Anupam: Next question: Legal to have another default clocking in nested
module if upper module already has default clocking?
John: Yes, Locally defined default clocking overrides enclosing default
Anupam: If I add default cloking within nested program, everything
should be clear.
Ed: Actually, it's clear.
Anupam: I can add another default clocking.
Surrendra: Should we send this to other committees for review?
Meeting adjourned.