Minutes from SV-AC Committee Meeting
Date: 2010-07-27
Time: 16:00 UTC (9:00 PDT)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Dial-in information:
Meeting ID: 38198
Phone Number(s):
1-888-813-5316 Toll Free within North America
- Reminder of IEEE patent policy.
- Minutes approval
- Email ballot results
2938: Surprising (to some users) interaction between deferred assertions & short-circuiting
2491: Conflicting rules in 16.17 (D7)
2479: Annex F.5.2.1 conflicts with changes from 2434
3147: Rule c) in 16.17 conflicts with the relaxed rules on clocking of assertions with inferred leading clocking event.
- Issue resolution/discussion
1756: The LRM does not indicate how the control tasks $asserton/off/kill affect verification statements in initial blocks
1763: The LRM does not define whether assertion control tasks affect sequence methods and events
1853: BNF for calls to $rose and other sample value system functions.
2485: terminology related to immediate and deferred assertions.
2558: Restriction inside checker construct
2452: No vacuity information about synchronous aborts
2904: Clarify when disable iff condition must occur relative to starting and ending of an attempt
3134: sequence and property range parameters are erroneously defined
3135: Verbal explanation of nexttime and always is misleading for multiple clocks
2871: Clause 16 does not forbid assertion local variables within clocking event expressions
2353: 'classes' missing from description
1678: Clarify that rewriting algorithm doesn't replace name resolution
2571: confusing assertion clock inference rule
2386: Rename 16.9 to "Local variables"?
- Enhancement progress update
- Opens
Attendance Record:
x = attended
- = missed
r = represented
. = not yet a member
v = valid voter (2 out of last 3 or 3/4 overall)
n = not a valid voter
t = chair eligible to vote only to make or break a tie
Attendance re-initialized on 2010-07-06:
v[-xxx] Laurence Bisht (Intel)
v[xxx-] Eduard Cerny (Synopsys)
v[xxxx] Ben Cohen
v[xxxx] Surrendra Dudani (Synopsys)
v[xxxx] Dana Fisman (Synopsys)
v[xxxx] John Havlicek (Freescale)
v[xxxx] Tapan Kapoor (Cadence)
t[xxxx] Dmitry Korchemny (Intel ¿ Chair)
v[xxxx] Scott Little (Freescale)
v[xxxx] Manisha Kulshrestha (Mentor Graphics)
v[xxxx] Anupam Prabhakar (Mentor Graphics)
v[-xxx] Erik Seligman (Intel)
v[xxx.] Samik Sengupta (Synopsys)
v[-xxx] Tom Thatcher (Sun Microsystems ¿ Co-Chair)
|- attendance on 2010-07-27
|--- voting eligibility on 2010-07-27
1. IEEE Patent policy: Attendees were reminded.
2. Minutes from last meeting:
Ed: Move to approve minutes
Tapan: Second
voting results: 10y, 0n, 0a
3. E-mail ballot results:
2938: Surprising (to some users) interaction between deferred assertions & short-circuiting
Will be discussed when Erik returns.
3147: Rule c) in 16.17 conflicts with the relaxed rules on clocking of assertions with inferred leading clocking event.
Ed: Requires to define the notion of maximal property first then objections may be removed.
John: This is a chicken and egg problem.
Ed: Maximal property is what remains after expansion, no clock flow definition required.
Dmitry: If the property is recursive, direct expansion won't work.
Ed: Avoid referencing maximal property?
Ben: Need an example.
2491: Conflicting rules in 16.17 (D7)
Passed: 9y/0n/0a (no change required).
2479: Annex F.5.2.1 conflicts with changes from 2434
Passed: 9y/0n/0a
4. Open Mantis items
1756: The LRM does not indicate how the control tasks $asserton/off/kill affect verification statements in initial blocks
Call to email vote to resolve as "no change required".
2871: Clause 16 does not forbid assertion local variables within clocking event expressions
2353: 'classes' missing from description
Call to email vote.
Attempt definition in case of future value functions.
Ed, Surrendra: A posteriori reporting is not efficient. Also in VPI.
Manisha: Especially $asserton/off
Dmitry: $asserton/of should be consistent with aborts, and aborts cannot be delayed.
John: And other temporal operators, such as until.
Surrendra: $asserton/off support becoming very inefficient for all assertions
Dmitry: Formal semantics cannot be changed. In other cases alternative implementation may be considered.
(To be continued).
5. Enhancements
Real type support in assertions: Scott will update next week.
Output arguments in checkers.
Dmitry: Need to define the simulation semantics of continuous and blocking assignments in checkers. Reconsider the definition of checker variable sampling.
2412 – Clock inference in sequences.
Anupam: What is the reason not to allow default clock inference in assertions?
Ed: Should be consistent with sampled value functions, and there is no inference there.
Anupam: We need allow inference everywhere.
Dana: Why not to infer the assertion clock in these cases?
Dmitry: The users may be confused. It is safer not to do any inference in this case, event though it may look inconsistent.
Proposal will be updated and discussed by email