Minutes of the January 31, 2008 Meeting of the IEEE P1800 WG

1) Attendees:

Neil Korpusik Sun DR

Dave Rich Mentor DR

Karen Pieper Accellera DR

John Shields Observer

Medhi Mohteshemi Synopsys DR

Yossi Levi Intel DR

Shalom Bresticker Intel DRA

Charles Cadence DR

John Havlicek SV-AC chair

2) Charles moves to approve the agenda. Yossi seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

3) Karen directs everyone’s attention to the patent policy.

4) October 4 meeting minutes. Motion to approve the minutes without change by Yossi, Charles seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

AI: Karen to run an email vote for the November 15 and December 13 Meeting minutes if they become available.

5) IEEE should be invoicing for the 2008 operating expenses. AI: Karen to check status with Noelle, and to check that the request for Cadence goes to Charles.

6) Motion to authorize Stu to complete the editing on items passed by the end of this meeting, and to authorize release of ½ of the funding for the pre-Ballot draft to cover this editing. Dave moves. Neil seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

8) Technical committees update

  1. ) Reviewed Technical Committee Slides (attached).
AI: Neil to get a list of Jeita items that have been closed with the reasoning.

Motion: SV-EC is authorized to work on 2229, 2233, 2183. Neil moves. Dave seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

Motion: SV-CC schedule is extended to March 31, SV-AC VPI issues may be addressed up to March 31. Charles moves. Yossi seconds. Mentor is opposed. No abstains. Motion passes.

AI: Charles to report back to the P1800 on the SV-CC schedule impact of the SV-AC open items.

AI: Karen to update the schedule to reflect the change in the freeze date.

AI: SV-AC to create a list of AC items that will have SV-CC impact. John to report on this to SV-CC, 1800WG.

  1. ) Reviewed Champions issues (attached).

Motion: Approve 1556. Neil moves, Dave seconds. Medhi opposes. No abstains. Motion passes.

Motion: Approve 1645. Neil moves. Dave seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Approve items unanimously approved by both TCs and Champions in the attached Champions issues document. Neil moves. Dave seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Approve 2217, 1682, 1984, 1619, 2225. Neil moves. Dave seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Approve 0997. Neil moves. Dave seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Approve 1683. Neil moves. Charles seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Aprrove 1548. Neil moves. Charles seconds. Passes unanimously.

Motion: Approve 1571. Neil moves. Yossi seconds. No opposed. Charles abstains. Motion passes.

9. DAC

  1. No status updates at DAC.

10. VHDL use of SV

  1. Karen’s paper to appear.

11. New business Karen will continue as Chair through her current term.

SV-CC are confused by emails from members of other committees as to whether the mail is from the individual or the committee.

AI: Charles to write a draft of that proposal. Neil will forward to the technical committees.

12) Next Meeting February 28, 2008 P1800 Meeting teleconference, 8am Pacific

13) Charles moves to adjourn.

Topic revision: r1 - 2008-02-26 - 23:31:25 - KarenPieper
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