Our next P1800 Ballot Review meeting is 8am to 8:30am Pacific on Thursday, July 30, 2009. Contact info:
https://g8.cfer.com/g8.jsp?an=8006375822&ac=6850893&login=true for additional toll-free numbers if you plan to originate your call outside of the United States or Canada.
Dennis Brophy invites you to an online meeting using
Meeting Number: 758 694 223 Meeting Password: p1800
To join this meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
1. Go to
https://mentor.webex.com/mentor/j.php?J=758694223 2. Enter the meeting password: p1800 3. Click "Join Now". 4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to join the teleconference.
WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, do not join the session.
To only join the teleconference
Dial Ready-Access phone number: 800-637-5822 (US & Canada) +1 647-723-3937 (International) Enter 7-digit access code: 6850893
1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations
2) Approve agenda
3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
4) Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of the July 2, 2009 Meeting and July 23, 2009 Continuation
5) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial Update
6) Editing Update
7) Balloting Update
- Approval of the recirculation package
8) Schedule Status Update
- July 30, 2009 Recirculation draft available
- July 30, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- P1800 approval of the recirculation draft
- August 3, 2009 Recirculation ballot starts
- August 17, 2009 Recirculation ballot closes
- September 3, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- P1800 approval of standard if no additional recirculations required
- October 19, 2009 Submission deadline for IEEE Standards Board Meeting 12/7-9
- December 7-9, 2009 IEEE Standards Board Meeting, Piscataway, NJ
- December 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce IEEE-SA Approval
- March 30, 2010 Initiate press release to announce Publication available
9) P1800 technical committees and Champions operational update
- None expected
10) New Business
11) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)
- September 3, 2009 P1800 Meeting teleconference 8am pacific
12) Adjournment