Our next IEEE P1800 Meeting will be January 14, 2010 from 8am to 10am Pacific time.
Contact info :
See <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://g8.cfer.com/g8.jsp?an=8006375822&ac=6850893&login=true">https://g8.cfer.com/g8.jsp?an=8006375822&ac=6850893&login=true</a> for additional toll-free numbers if you plan to originate your call outside of the United States or Canada.
Dennis Brophy invites you to an online meeting using
Meeting Number: 754 868 720
Meeting Password: p1800
To join this meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
1. Go to <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://mentor.webex.com/mentor/j.php?J=754868720&PW=NNjVhNzI0ZTJm">https://mentor.webex.com/mentor/j.php?J=754868720&PW=NNjVhNzI0ZTJm</a>
2. Enter the meeting password: p1800
3. Click "Join Now".
4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Audio conference information
Dial Ready-Access phone number:
800-637-5822 (US & Canada)
+1 647-723-3937 (International)
Enter 7-digit access code: 6850893
<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://www.webex.com">http://www.webex.com</a>
1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations
2) Approve agenda
3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
4) Approval of Minutes
- Minutes of the December 10, 2009 Meeting
5) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial Update
- Celebration and/or awards
6) DVCon Face-to-Face to discuss proposals for the next revision
7) Press releases
8) Schedule Status Update
- December 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce IEEE-SA Approval
- December 30, 2009 Initiate press release to announce Publication available
- January 14, 2010 Teleconference 8am
- February 11, 2010 Teleconference 8am
- February 26, 2010 Face-to-Face tinviting proposals for the next revision
9) Discussion of new PAR
- Our existing PAR is inactive, but extant, we can develop our next PAR without a study group
- A draft PAR will be sent out prior to the meeting to initiate the discussion
10) P1800 technical committees and Champions operational update
- None expected
11) New Business
12) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)
- February 11, 2009 P1800 Meeting teleconference 8am pacific
13) Adjournment