Our continuation of the April 2, 2009 P1800 Ballot Review meeting is 8am to 10am Pacific on Thursday, April 16, 2009. We will resume the agenda with the scheduling discussion. The schedule has been updated here to reflect our decisions in the April 2 meeting.
Contact info to come.
1) Call to order - Introductions & Affiliations
2) Approve agenda
3) Patent Policy and Call for Patents
4) Approval of Minutes
5) Funding, Budgeting, and Financial Update
6) Editing Update
7) Balloting Update
8) Schedule Status Update
- April 16, 2009 Resumption of the April 2, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- May 14, 2009 Committees respond to ballot responses
- May 21, 2009 Champions meeting
- May 28, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- P1800 approval of content of recirculation draft
- June 8, 2009 Recirculation pre-draft available
- June 15, 2009 Review of the recirculation draft complete--only editing issues allowed
- June 21, 2009 Recirculation draft available
- June 25, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- P1800 approval of the recirculation draft
- June 29, 2009 Recirculation ballot starts
- July 13, 2009 Recirculation ballot closes
- July 23, 2009 Teleconference 8am
- -------------- P1800 approval of standard if no additional recirculations required
- July 31, 2009 Submission deadline for IEEE Standards Board Meeting 9/9-11
- September 9-11, 2009 IEEE Standards Board Meeting, Piscataway, NJ
- September 15, 2009 Initiate press release to announce IEEE-SA Approval
- October 19, 2009 Submission deadline for IEEE Standards Board Meeting 12/7-9
- December 7-9, 2009 IEEE Standards Board Meeting, Piscataway, NJ
- December 30, 2009 Initiate press release to announce Publication available
9) P1800 technical committees and Champions operational update
10) DAC
11) New Business
12) Next meeting (announce date, time, and location, if known)
- May 28, 2009 P1800 Meeting teleconference 8am pacific
14) Adjournment
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-04-16 - 15:51:39 -