Teleconference information

Join Skype/Lync Meeting (PC presentation + PC audio)

NOTE: Skype/Lync also supports Audio/Voice.

In case you prefer audio by Phone/Mobile, see international numbers below.

Find international number

Participant code: 936794

Microsift Help for Lync

International Dial In Phone Numbers

Note: The Lync session above support audio by PC. Alternatively, you can dial in by phone.

Participant Passcode: 936794

+1 703 621 9086
Canada, Montreal:
+1 514 669 1791
Canada, Toronto:
+1 416 216 4109
Argentina (toll free):
0800 666 0724
Argentina, Buenos Aires:
+54 11 5238 8114
Australia (toll free):
1 800 704 097
Australia, Sydney:
+61 2 9253 5830
Austria (toll free):
0800 401 030
Austria, Vienna:
+43 1 36027 70017
Bahrain (toll free):
8000 4534
Bahrain, Manama:
+973 1619 8565
Belarus (toll free):
8 820 0011 0016
Belgium (toll free):
0800 58 050
Belgium, Brussels:
+32 2 620 0180
Botswana (toll free):
002 698 003 002 546
Brazil, Sao Paulo:
+55 11 3351 7093
Bulgaria (toll free):
00800 115 1010
Bulgaria, Sofia:
+359 2 935 8103
Canada (toll free):
1 866 776 3287
Chile (toll free):
123 0020 7405
Chile, Santiago:
+56 2 2618 8293
China (national):
+86 400 898 2233
Colombia (toll free):
01 800 518 0998
Costa Rica, San Jose:
+506 2 539 7307
Croatia (toll free):
0800 222 799
Croatia, Zagreb:
+385 1 777 6654
Czech Republic (toll free):
800 800 166
Czech Republic, Prague:
+420 296 335 618
Denmark (toll free):
80 40 49 03
Denmark, Copenhagen:
+45 82 33 28 03
Egypt (toll free):
0800 000 0456
Estonia (toll free):
800 2223
Estonia, Tallinn:
+372 686 8803
Finland (toll free):
0800 523 066
Finland, Helsinki:
+358 9 8171 0289
France (toll free):
0805 980 014
France, Paris:
+33 1 70 48 00 47
Germany (toll free):
0 800 000 1162
Germany, Frankfurt:
+49 69 2999 3456
Greece (toll free):
00 800 3315 2251
Greece, Athens:
+30 21 0969 6460
Hong Kong:
+852 3060 6037
Hong Kong:
+852 3060 6083
Hong Kong:
+852 3068 9866
Hungary (toll free):
06 801 015 20
Hungary, Budapest:
+36 1235 5313
Iceland (toll free):
800 8680
India, Mumbai:
+91 22 6187 5005
Indonesia (toll free):
001 803 017 4763
Ireland (toll free):
1800 818 812
Ireland, Dublin:
+353 1 605 0369
Israel (toll free):
1 80 946 2255
Israel, Tel Aviv:
+972 3 905 8769
Italy (toll free):
800 905 675
Italy, Milan:
+39 02 3859 1209
Japan (toll free):
00531 16 0778
Japan, Tokyo:
+81 3 4455 1414
Jordan (toll free):
0800 22326
Kenya (toll free):
0800 750 069
Latvia (toll free):
8020 0914
Latvia, Riga:
+371 67 852 103
Lithuania (toll free):
800 2 20 80
Lithuania, Vilnius:
+370 520 51104
+352 2730 2162
Luxembourg (toll free):
800 40071
Macao (toll free):
0800 802
Malaysia (toll free):
1800 813 406
Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur:
+60 3 2053 5022
Malta (toll free):
800 62124
Mexico (toll free):
001 800 367 1068
Mexico, Mexico City:
+52 55 5091 3018
Morocco (toll free):
0800 090 011
Morocco, Casablanca:
+212 520 480 014
Netherlands (toll free):
0 800 020 1112
Netherlands, Amsterdam:
+31 20 654 5604
Netherlands, Amsterdam:
+31 20 721 0052
New Zealand (toll free):
0 800 440 093
New Zealand, Auckland:
+64 9 308 3034
Norway (toll free):
800 62189
Norway, Oslo:
+47 2350 0363
Peru, Lima:
+51 1 707 4330
Philippines (toll free):
1800 1855 0091
Philippines, Manila:
+63 2 395 2310
Poland (toll free):
00 800 331 13 55
Poland, Warsaw:
+48 22 583 4306
Portugal (toll free):
800 207 544
Portugal, Lisbon:
+351 21 424 5162
Puerto Rico (toll free):
1 866 544 7032
Romania (toll free):
0800 833 386
Romania, Bucharest:
+40 21 204 7010
Russia (toll free):
810 800 2059 1033
Russia, Moscow:
+7 495 411 5579
Serbia (toll free):
0800 190 269
+65 6415 7912
Singapore (toll free):
1 800 415 7913
Slovakia (toll free):
0 800 173 171
Slovakia, Bratislava:
+421 2 5010 2642
Slovenia (toll free):
0800 80015
South Africa (toll free):
0800 333 994
South Africa, Johannesburg:
+27 11 589 8388
South Korea (toll free):
00798 6136 1198
Spain (toll free):
900 902 537
Spain, Madrid:
+34 91 375 4591
Sweden (toll free):
0201 300 011
Sweden, Stockholm:
+46 8 5199 2375
Switzerland (toll free):
0 800 727 372
Switzerland, Geneva:
+41 22 567 5209
Taiwan (toll free):
0800 608 177
Taiwan, Taipei:
+886 2 8723 1036
Thailand (toll free):
001 800 852 5353
Turkey (toll free):
00 800 142 052 515
Turkey, Istanbul:
+90 212 375 50 06
UK (toll free):
0 800 026 0068
UK, London:
+44 20 7660 0197
USA /Canada (toll free):
1 866 297 8541
Topic revision: r13 - 2015-12-06 - 10:59:19 - MartinBarnasconi
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