Teleconference, Monday, December 15, 2014, 1700 UTC; 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time
A quorum of 4 out of 5 voting members present. 1 non-voting members were also present.
Attendance and voter status indicated on the on-line roster.
1. Call to order meeting 88 on December 15th at 9:07 am PST (1706 UTC)
2. Approval of November 17th meeting minutes (meeting 87)
- Andy motioned to approve (pending typo corrections), Yaron seconded.
3. Status update
- Temporal WG (Mike)
- All documents are with Alan. Alan can't say when he will get to it.
- Messaging and Types (Yuri)
- Darren
- Waiting for coverage docs to come back.
- TLM2 still not done.
Action Items Editor Slot
- December 15 Update (Alan)
- Will start editing the documents in the next week!
4. Other business
- TLM2
- Accellera are looking at a proposed TLM2 working group for SystemC. Srini to send details to the reflector.
5. Call for essential patents
6. Next meeting
- February 23rd at 9am PST ( 1700 UTC )
7. Adjourn
- Alan motioned
- Yaron seconded
- Motion approved
- Meeting adjourned at 9:17 PDT (17:21 UTC)
-- DarrenGalpin - 2014-12-15