IEEE P1076.1 Working Group Telco Meeting Minutes - September 11, 2013, 8am PDT (15:00 UTC)
Status: approved by WG on October 9, 2013
- Ernst Christen, Mentor Graphics (WG chair)
- Alain Vachoux, EPFL
- Joachim Haase, Fraunhofer (note taker)
This was a web meeting. The main discussion topics of the meeting are covered by the
meeting slides. The minutes complement the meeting slides.
- Call to order
- Approval of agenda
- Administrative issues
- Minutes of August 14, 2013 meeting
- Review of IEEE patent policy
- Project status and updates
- LRM plan
- PDE support - typical applications
- Next meeting
- Adjourn
Call to order
Ernst opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees at 8:05. Quorum was reached.
Approval of agenda
Alain made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Joachim. No objections. Agenda approved.
Administrative issues
Approval of August 14, 2013 minutesAlain moved that the minutes be accepted, Joachim seconded. No objections.
Minutes were approved without chandes.
Patent policy
Ernst pointed to the IEEE patent policy and asked the attendees to visit the slides listed in the presentation to study it. Nobody wanted to see the slides.
Project status and update
LRM planThe work is carried out based on the
LRM editing plan. Alain fixed inconsistencies in LRM clauses 1 to 7 and made the baseline version available in the
P1076.1-201X LRM editing member-only area. Ernst created a robotic review that compares PDFs of the initial version provided by Peter Ashenden and the current version created by Alain. It is useful to detect layout differences of the documents as for instance typeface differences. Alain pointed out that the best way to check details would be to work with the FrameMaker sources and distinguish different versions of the LRM document by creating a conditional FrameMaker text. Errors of the VHDL 2008 are marked as comments in the FrameMaker document. Alain will make another baseline version available in the member-only area if problems to clause 11 are corrected.
To avoid misunderstandings, the complete version of the baseline document should only be provided to the IEEE P1076 Group when problems in all 24 clauses are fixed. Alain pointed out that a decision how to style the text is necessary. At the moment it is intended to support the generation of LRM documents starting with IEEE Std 1076.1-2007 and IEEE Std 1076-2008 on the base of the Framemaker sources.
Ernst will clarify with Jim Lewis - Chair of the
IEEE P1076 Study Group VHDL Analysis and Standardisation Group (VASG) - how to organize sharing the LRM documents between the IEEE P1076.1 WG and the VASG in a source code repository. The question shall be brought up to Jim Lewis whether it is sufficient to support LRM generations starting with the 2007/2008 standard versions.
Partial Differential Equation Support
Ernst opened the discussion with the presentation of
slides 12 and 13 of the meeting slides. Joachim commented his
notes on PDE support in VHDL-AMS. Alain commented that it should be prevented to open the door for a complexity that requires to high computational effort. Ernst said that main topics should be support for MEMS modeling, modeling of rotating machines, and heat flow. Modeling of device physics should not be a topic in this context. Main objective at the moment is to define the scope of the activities and collect material for this purpose. Alain pointed out to a
previous proposal of Tom Kasmierski to support PDEs in VHDL-AMS. Tom presented a pre-processor solution. It also should be further evaluated.
Other projectsThere was no discussion on other projects.
Next steps
Next regular working group telco will be on October 9, 2013 (preferred) or October 2, 2013 at 8am PDT (15:00 UTC, 17:00 CEST). Ernst will inform in time.
No other business.
Ernst thanked the participants and adjourned the meeting at 9:00 am PDT.
JoachimHaase - 2013-09-11