Language Change Specification for Environment API

LCS Number: LCS-2016-006e
Version: 5
Date: 07-Mar-2017
Status: Approved
Author: Thomas Preusser
More: History
| Summary: | Allow access to system environment variables (baseline). |

Details of Language Change

16.5 Standard environment package

16.5.1 General [NEW headline level]

Package ENV contains declarations that provide a VHDL interface to the host environment.

package ENV is
  procedure STOP (STATUS: INTEGER);
  procedure STOP;
  procedure FINISH;

  [... LCS-2016-011 ...]
  [... LCS-2016-006c ...]

  impure function GETENV(Name : STRING) return STRING;
  impure function GETENV(Name : STRING) return LINE;

end package ENV;

16.5.5 System Environment API [NEW]

The functions GETENV return the string value of the named environment variable either as type STRING or as the designated value of an access value. Conditional analysis identifiers (24.2) are part of the queried environment and take precedence over possibly inherited environment variables of identical names. If the specified variable name is not defined at all in this environment, the return value will be the empty string ("") or the access value null, respectively.


Topic revision: r33 - 2017-05-03 - 04:57:58 - RobGaddi
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