P1076 September 22, 2016 Meeting Minutes


  • Brent Hayhoe, Lieven Lemiengre, Patrick Lehmann, Peter Flake, Jim Lewis, Kevin Jennings, Jing Pang


Meeting Discussion

package test is
   type baz is record
      el1 : string;
      el2 : integer;
   end record;
   bundle baz_b of baz is
      signal el1 : out;
      signal el2 : in;
   type baz_a is array(0 to 10) of baz;
   type baz_a_str is array(0 to 10) of string;
   type baz_a_int is array(0 to 10) of integer;
   type foo is record
      el1 : integer;
      el2 : string;
      el3 : baz;
   end record;
   bundle b of foo is
      signal el1 : in;
      signal el2 : out;
      bundle el3 : baz_b;
library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.numeric_std.all;
    use work.test.all;
entity foofoo is
   port (
      signal clk : in std_logic;
      signal rst : in std_logic;
      -- bundle test : view(baz_b) baz_a; -- REJECTED
      -- bundle test : baz_b(baz_a); -- REJECTED
      -- bundle test : {baz_b} baz_a ; -- REJECTED
      bundle test2 : baz_b baz; -- regular bundles
      bundle test3 : (baz_b) baz_a; -- array of bundles
      signal test_el1 : out baz_a_str;
      signal test_el2 : in baz_a_int
-- procedure name(bundle ... ) is
-- begin
-- end procedure name;
-- map foo (a : integer; bundle foo : b foo) to is
-- begin
-- ( )
-- end map;
end entity foofoo;

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes and Decisions by Attendees

Brent, Lieven, All

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes and Decisions by non-attendees


Next Meeting: Thursday September 29, 2016, 11 am Pacific

Previous Meeting: Wednesday September 15, 2016

Topic revision: r5 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:18 - JimLewis
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