1076.1: How make a type opaque (defined by vendor) to users for table driven modeling
Users need to be able support reading non-standardized file formats and get them into the model
Concerned about use model of protected types.
Has separate table building and table accessing
Table is static need to initialize it at elaboration time.
Tables are potentially huge - 1000 - 10,000 of entries.
Peter Flake suggested DPI and using C types
From reflector suggested:
Protected Types,
Incomplete Type refined in package body,
Types defined by adjunct package
Protected Types
Extend with generics - one use model is supporting above
Facilitates: scoreboard and memory implementation
Subsumes constructors
1076/1076.1 Matrix Math Package
Uses 2 dimensional arrays
Hence slicing must be done by separate procedures
Concerns over array of array
Column Major vs Row Major
Need to schedule formal review of package and get matrix math people to attend
1076.1 Timeline
Funding - ??? 20% - funding required for LRM writing.
Par Valid until 2015
IEEE Fund raising rules require one to make an application, get a sponsor, and they help with fund raising. Funds go through IEEE-SA and they distribute the funds.
Action Items:
Need champion for reviewing and documenting implementation trade-offs of the Matrix Math Package
Jim offered to help 1076.1 group with protected type implementation of table driven modeling
Next Meeting Date (proposed):
Thursday May 24, 8 am Pacific
Thursday June 14, 8 am Pacific