Web Creation Steps

The following are the steps to use in creating a new group web.

Group Leader (chair):

  • Pick a name for the group. Use the IEEE PAR number if it is an IEEE group (such as P1801) or a unambiguous, descriptive name (VerilogAMS)
  • Identify the user that will be the first group admin
  • Send a request to support at eda.org to create the group and provide the name and email address of the admin for the group

Eda Admin:

  • Go to the Main->TWikiGroups topic and add the Admin groups (for example VerilogAMSAdminGroup) and add Main.!EdaAdminGroup to the GROUP list
  • Go to the Main->TWikiGroups topic and add the Group and (for example VerilogAMSGroup) and change ALLOWTOPICCHANGE to Admin Group group (for example VerilogAMSAdminGroup) and set the GROUP to the Admin Group group
  • Add the Group group to the EdaGroup group
  • Add the Admin Group group to the RegistrationGroup group
  • Go to the TWiki -> Admin tools -> ManagingWebs topic and create a new web for the group (for example VerilogAMS). The name of the web is the name of the group (VerilogAMS), add a description and a "Use to...". Leave the other fields default unless there is a reason to change them. Select "Create New Web"
  • Go to the Main->Different groups using Eda.org and add the new web to the list of groups supported (for example * [[VerilogAMS.WebHome][Verilog AMS]])
  • Go to the home of the new web (VerilogAMS web for example) and select the WebPreferences
  • In the Web Preferences set the ALLOWWEBCHANGE and ALLOWWEBRENAME to be the Group group (Main.!VerilogAMSGroup)
  • In the Web Preferences Set the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE and ALLOWTOPICRENAME to be the Admin Group group (Main.!VerilogAMSAdminGroup)
  • Go to the TWiki TWikiRegistration page and create the account for the new admin user
  • Once the admin user has confirmed registration add the admin user to the Admin groups (you can choose to confirm the registration for the user as well if that makes completion of the last step quicker)
  • Remove the TWikiGuest and add the admin user to the WebNotify topic on the new web
  • The final step is to determine if a redirector is required for the group in /pub/GroupName. If Twiki is the entry point for the group then a reflector is required (please see /pub/p1801) and a link from the upper case version if appropriate (/pub/P1801)

Group Admin:

  • Add new users to the site - the Group Admin must fill in the Registration form for new users - direct registration by the user is not supported - the result of filling in the form will be that the user will be sent a confirmation email
  • Once the new user confirms the registration then the Group Admin adds them to either Group or Admin groups (not both)
  • Add/modify any content on your group web
  • Set view and change rights on any pages on his web. By default all pages are viewable by the world (not just registered users). Change rights are limited to group members as set above. If you wish to change the world view rights and make your web private by default then modify the DENYWEBVIEW and set to TWikiGuest.

-- DavidSmith - 11 Dec 2007

Topic revision: r6 - 2008-06-28 - 13:02:52 - DavidSmith
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