Re: [vhdl-200x] WG Voting Membership and Participation

From: John Willis <>
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 14:14:03 PDT


I am still interested and will try to vote in the
next ballot. We've been swamped with several
product rollouts and pre-DAC activities.

Best regards, John

--On Monday, May 17, 2004 02:03:55 PM -0700 "Bailey, Stephen"
<> wrote:

> This is a reminder that active participation is a general requirement to
> maintain voting membership. Active participation is easiest to measure
> via the return of ballot for any issue or motion that is placed before
> the working group. This is typically done via email to allow all members
> the opportunity to vote.
> The next administrative step that the WG will be undertaking in its
> efforts to be compliant with IEEE, SA and DASC policies and procedures is
> the adoption of WG policies and procedures. It is likely that the WG P&P
> will retain some form of "participation" requirement for maintaining
> voting membership.
> In order to encourage future participation in measurable activities
> (i.e., voting) and to prevent unwanted future surprises with respect to
> voting membership status, the following information is provided. Note
> that this information should have filtered anyone who joined recently and
> weren't eligible for 1 or more of the votes).
> Members who did not participate in the last 3 votes:
> Tom Fitzpatrick
> Gabe Moretti
> John Willis
> Dongxiang Wu
> Members who voted in only 1 of the last 3 votes:
> Keith Gover
> Deepak Pant (technically eligible to vote for 2 but joined just prior to
> close of a vote) Serafin Perez Lopez
> Ajayharsh Varikat (technically eligible to vote for 2 but joined just
> prior to close of a vote)
> All other members have voted in at least 2 of the last 3 votes. FYI, the
> last 3 votes were:
> 8 Mar 04: 1164 Merger
> 29 Mar 04: 1604 Merger
> 15 May 04: 1076.2 Merger
> ------------
> Stephen Bailey
> ModelSim Verification TME
> Mentor Graphics
> 303-775-1655 (mobile, preferred)
> 720-494-1202 (office)
> <>

John Willis
FTL Systems Inc. FTL Systems UK Ltd
1620 Greenview Drive SW 2 Venture Road
Rochester, MN 55902 Chilworth Science Park
United States United Kingdom
1.507.288.3154 (Voice) 44.2380.767.700(Voice)
1.507.289.1108 (FAX) 44.2380.760.543 (FAX)
Received on Mon May 17 14:14:15 2004

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