Language Change Specification History for Date and Time

LCS Number LCS-2016-011
Version 2
Date 17-Nov-2016
Status Approved

Voting History

  1. Morten Zilmer - 2016-11-18
  2. Martin Zabel - 2016-11-18
  3. Thomas Preusser - 2016-11-21
  4. Kevin Jennings - 2016-11-22
  5. Ryan Hinton - 2016-12-14 - Version 1
  6. Jim Lewis - 2016-12-17 - Version 1
  7. Brent Hayhoe - 2016-11-20 - Version 1
  8. Rob Gaddi - 2017-01-17 - Version 2
  9. Daniel Kho - 2017-01-19 - Version 2
  10. Patrick Lehmann - 2017-01-19 - version 2



-- Rob Gaddi - 2017-04-13


Why is 'day' a 1-31 integer range but month is 0-11 range? -- Kevin Jennings

-- Kevin Jennings - 2016-11-17

Because that's what C time.h does, and I'm a slave to tradition. Although I have changed the definition of year to be absolute rather than based on 1900.

-- Rob Gaddi - 2016-11-17

Does the EPOCH() function return the number of seconds between the current local time and 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 or between the current UTC time and 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00? For example, what is returned if the current time is 1970-01-01T02:00:00+01:00?

-- Martin Zabel - 2016-11-18

1970-01-01T02:00:00+01:00, 1970-01-01T01:00:00+00:00, and 1969-12-31T17:00:00-8:00 all occur simultaneously at 3 different points on the globe. EPOCH() will tell them all the same thing, that the time is 3600.0

-- Rob Gaddi - 2016-11-18

Small concern over the increment/decrement - 1us (1e-6) is not exactly representable as a double (and hence very likely as a REAL) - if I increment by 1e-6 a few million times, will we 'miss a tick'? The record representation implies "perfect" tracking of time, which conflicts with the "REAL" approximation(!)

Perhaps inc and dec could be done in terms of 2 TIME_RECORDs? Or in terms of the existing time-type: variable t : time_record := (some initialiser); t := t + 1 us; t := t + 1 s; t := t + 1 ns; -- error? Should the fractional part be smaller? Windows already claims a sub-us precision time of day ( for example

-- Martin Thompson - 2016-11-18

Don't forget that subprograms without parameters have no parenthesis in VHDL! () doesn't exist.

-- Tristan Gingold - 2016-11-18

The TIME_RECORD is great! I am not so in favor of the REAL-based offset computations though. Should we not just use the existing TIME type for this? If REAL should be mandated by some practical considerations, I would nonetheless like to see TIME_RECORD +/- TIME functions added.

-- Thomas Preusser - 2016-11-21

Epoch times are REAL not TIME because the resolution of TIME is sliding; it can be as little as 1 fs, which means that even if you had guaranteed 64-bit TIME you'd still have a maximum of about 9000 seconds, which doesn't even get you out of Jan 1, 1970.

They're not INTEGERs because we only have a guarantee of signed 31 bits for INTEGER, which gives you the well known epoch problem in 2038. I don't want to make a language change that MAY start seeing implementation in 2018 with a timebomb in only 20 years. 64-bit INTEGERs would fix that, and have been proposed, but aren't a done deal.

REALs are 64-bit floats, which can store up to a 53-bit integer. If you don't need all those bits for the integer part then you can start giving some up for fractional parts. For any of our lifetimes, this will mean at least microsecond resolution. But the point isn't the subsecond resolution, it's getting enough bits for the seconds. The subseconds just come along for free, and if you use REALs are impossible to make people not use.

-- Rob Gaddi - 2016-11-25

We actually discussed adding TIME_RECORDs on last week's call, and nixed the idea. We'd need a different type of record: a TIMEDELTA_RECORD with signed fields and no dayofweek or dayofyear.

The problem with trying to work with calendar time is that it's fundamentally hard. What seems like it should be trivial to calculate keeps turning out to have leap things and strange length months and time zones.

As written now, everything is implementable by calls to the standard C library, which on most platforms treats time_t as a 64 bit integer, which we don't have a concept of in VHDL so we'll use REALs instead. They're exact so long as you're working with 1 second as your minimum resolution.

The only reason I bothered to add the conversions between VHDL time and calendar time at all is that they just felt like they should be there. The arithmetic is only really there to perform manual timezone adjustments. Maybe all that and a mathable TIMEDELTA_RECORD should all go off in an open source package instead. That would be a lot more nimble than anything baked into the standard, and any of that is going to be implemented in pure VHDL anyhow. Keep the things in std.env to only those things that will be implemented outside of the language.

While we're at it, maybe we should strike the INTEGER microsecond field and replace it with a REAL subsecond range 0 to 1. That's always going to be a weird non-decimal-perfect part coming in and out of epoch seconds anyhow. Everyone knows floating point gets wonky, an argument could definitely be made for just acknowledging that and rubbing the user's face in it rather than faking precision that may not be available.

-- Rob Gaddi - 2016-11-25

As a proud pedant, I thought that I'd get in before anyone else. As the year is now absolute, does it take account of the missing calendar days (e.g. 1752 for Britain) when people thought part of their lives had been stolen! More importantly and less trivial is: as the 'year' is integer based 0 to 4095, when is year zero - 1 AD or 1 BC? Which leads to: how is 2016 represented internally in the 'year' element, 2015 or 2016?

-- Brent Hayhoe - 2016-12-20

What if at least one integer LCS proposal is successful? Should we reconsider the real value? I would like to see 2016 as 2016 -> no need for biasing. Time and date calculations should be non IEEE and not POSIX based. There are better date/time implementations smile

-- Patrick Lehmann - 2016-12-31

Based on several comments, I've updated: year to begin in 1 rather than 0, the TIME_RECORD comments to more fully describe the month and year, and the argument-free functions to remove the illegal empty (). I'm considering this to be a primarily typo-correcting change, and not rolling the revision.

-- Rob Gaddi - 2017-01-10

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Topic revision: r1 - 2017-04-13 - 02:22:29 - RobGaddi
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