Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [vhdl-200x] Multi-cycle Paths WAS: Clocked Shorthand Proposal

From: Brent Hayhoe <>
Date: Fri May 30 2014 - 02:34:19 PDT
I would agree that if the new code becomes either too cryptic or complex then it 
is self defeating in its purpose.

However, a certain amount of 'crypticity' (I'm inventing new words here in a 
Bush'ism way) can be useful in identifying design intent at a higher level.

How many of us look at a process sensitivity list and seeing (clk, rst) identify 
a clocked process and look within the code for details of edge and reset structure.

What I am proposing is a syntax which is not just for generating a short hand 
method of coding, but something that can convey design intent quicker. Whilst I 
agree that coding in standard VHDL as you say, is often more convenient for the 
designer, it can be difficult to identify multi-cycle coding for the unfortunate 
soul that has to maintain said code some years later.

Your point about reset conditions is well taken and opens up some more 

Working mainly in the FPGA arena these days, asynchronous resets generally come 
for free. However there is still a need to synchronize the deactivating edge on 
a clock domain basis and I use instantiated reset synchronization blocks for 
this purpose. So how to accommodated these?

    for i in 1 to 3 generate

      rst_sync_inst : rst_sync
        port map(
          arst  => sys_rst,
          d_clk => domain_clk@3re[i],
          d_rst => domain_rst

      process(domain_clk@3re[i], domain_rst) is
      end process;
    end generate;

This provides a solution to controlling resets, but the addition of sensitivity control onto a port mapping syntax is a debatable subject!


On 24/04/2014 23:06, Jones, Andy D wrote:
> To handle the desired cases, the proposed syntax just gets too complex and cryptic to be that useful.
> Even with the proposed numeric phasing, how would you handle the reset condition of the implied phase?
> I'd rather see it coded in standard VHDL. It does not take that much code to accomplish the desired behavior. And it could be much more self-documenting.
> For example, most synthesizers will already handle the following:
> If rising_edge(clk) and enable(i) then -- NOT a gated clock!
> ...
> End if;
> Andy D Jones
> Electrical Engineering
> Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control
> Dallas TX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Brent Hayhoe
> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [vhdl-200x] Multi-cycle Paths WAS: Clocked Shorthand Proposal
> Hi Jakko,
> Yes well spotted on the typo, it should be Falling _Edge in the process itself as well.
> Yes, the enable is a bit messy and confusing, which is why I suggested changing it to a phase integer  indicating at elaboration time what phase to enable the sensitivity event on.
> so what I'm suggesting is:
>     <signal>@<positive integer divisor><event function>[<positive phase integer>]
> This may give a better syntax for synthesis compilers.
> Yes, another problem with the enable is the need to generate a shift register control as you state, and this seems to complicate the whole issue requiring external (to the process) functional code. Hence why I suggested the enable control is replaced by a phase integer control.
> The main advantage as I see it is simpler coding style and the moving of the multi-cycle path control from the functional code into  a compressed syntax within the sensitivity list.
> I'm not sure if that advantage is enough to warrant the quite involved changes required, but it seems worth discussing.
> Cheers,
> Brent.
> On 24/04/2014 08:23, Jakko Verhallen wrote:
>> Hi Brent,
>> Does the generate example contain a typo?
>> You use 'fe' in the sensitivity list, but use rising_edge(clk).
>> This syntax is not clear to me, if you have the enable signal, is it
>> only considered at the first active edge?
>> Or during all 3? Or only the last?
>> Seems that you want to describe a shift register (which can be retimed
>> with a synthesis tool?)
>> The only gain with the new syntax is that you don't need to declare an
>> array of the delayed signal.
>> signal stack : array (0 to 2) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
>> ...
>> stack(0)                 <= new_value;
>> stack(1 to stack'high)   <= stack(0 to stack'high-1);
>> This does the same thing in current VHDL I believe?
>> Jakko
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of Brent Hayhoe
>> Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 8:34 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [vhdl-200x] Multi-cycle Paths WAS: Clocked Shorthand
>> Proposal
>> Hi David,
>> I agree with you which is why I included the Boolean enable function.
>> The generate block uses this to enable each of the three generated
>> processes at each of the three phases.
>> The enable_vector would be enabled in a shift register manner post reset.
>> However, this niggles me as it implies generated logic outside of the process.
>> If we replaced the enable with a phase variable, which could be an
>> implicitly defined positive (or natural) integer type with a range 1
>> (or 0) to the sensitivity divisor, 3 in this case (or 3-1 in the case of a natural type).
>> This will infer the phase to enable the sensitivity on and could
>> entirely be handled at elaboration time and not rely on run-time
>> initializations. For synthesis operations this would imply the
>> generation of phased clock enables for the processes.
>> With regard to the event type; this was the reason for including the 're'
>> function. We would be able to generate our own versions, 'fe' -
>> falling edges, 'be' - both edges, etc. I think we would only need the
>> new system defined 'event' sensitivity type, in order to give the ability to define the function:
>>     function "fe" (clk : std_ulogic) is
>>       return event
>>     begin
>>       if falling_edge(clk) then
>>         return active;
>>       else
>>         return inactive;
>>       end if;
>>     end function "fe";
>> This gives a new generate option as:
>>     for i in 1 to 3 generate
>>       process(clk@3fe[i], rst) is
>>         ...
>>       begin
>>         if (rst = '1') then
>>           ...
>>         elsif rising_edge(clk)
>>           ...
>>         end if;
>>       end process;
>>     end generate;
>> Regards,
>> Brent.
>> On 24/04/2014 02:28, David Schetz wrote:
>>> I think that it's not enough to just specify how often to activate
>>> the process on the clock edge, but also which phase. If I had two
>>> processes, each active only on every-other rising edge of the same
>>> clock, I think it would be necessary to specify whether the two
>>> processes are active on the same rising edge, or opposite rising
>>> edges. Not disallowing a mix of rising and falling edges would be nice, too.
>>> In my heart, I guess I'd still rather generate my own clock enable
>>> signal, and make it very clear what is happening, using current
>>> syntax. If I felt it were too long-winded, I'd wrap it up in a component.



         Brent Hayhoe.

Aftonroy Limited                            Telephone: +44 (0)20-8449-1852
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