[vhdl-200x] Call for Vote on ISAC Issues 1070, 2099, 2119, 2120, 2122

From: Peter Ashenden <peter_at_.....>
Date: Wed Oct 17 2007 - 17:58:17 PDT
Dear colleagues,

This is a call for vote from IEEE P1076 WG members on the next group of ISAC
issues listed below. This is the last round of issues to be included in the
Accellera draft before hand-over to IEEE for standardization.

IR2099, warrants particular attention, as it addresses a thorny technical
issue that occupied ISAC for quite some time. It is closely related to
changes introduced in the Accellera draft. The relevant issues are
identified in the IR, and the corresponding LRM changes are implemented in
the current Accellera draft, D3.8. If you have not yet participated in the
Accellera process and would like to join to review D3.8 and subsequent
drafts, please contact me. I'll be pleased to help you get set up.

The ISAC has analyzed the issues listed below and made recommendations for
interpretation of the IEEE 1076-2002 standard and for future revisions of
the standard. This vote is for approval of the ISAC recommendations.

Please note that, in some cases, a recommendation may be to reject a
request. In that case, a vote to approve the recommendation means rejecting
the request, whereas a negative vote means reconsidering the request. Please
take care with the logical sense of your vote in such cases.

Also note that some of the issues do not specify detailed LRM edits to
implement a change. The intention is that the detailed changes be specified
in a Language Change Specification (LCS) document that will be voted on
separately. The intent of this vote is to determine whether such an LCS is

Only votes of eligible voters will be counted. Votes from ineligible voters
will be recorded for information and for adding to your "last 2 of 3"
participation count. I will acknowledge each vote received and indicate
whether it was counted or not. Please consider forwarding a vote, even an
abstain vote if you do not have time to review the issues in detail, so that
your 2-of-3 participation is maintained.

Please forward votes to me by email (eg, by replying to this message) by 5pm
US-PDT, Wednesday October 31, 2007.

For each issue, would you please vote one of: approve, negative with
comments, negative with no comments, or abstain.  You may also provide
informative comments with a vote to approve a recommendation.  Please use
the form below.  Thank you.


Peter Ashenden
P1076 Secretary

Issue      Approve       Negative       Negative      Abstain
                          with comment   no comment

1070	VPI Issue 14 -- Prefixes in USE clauses
1070       ____          ____            ____         ____


2099	Alias declarations introduce homographs
2099       ____          ____            ____         ____


2119	Can't declare a protected type and object of that type in a single
2119       ____          ____            ____         ____


2120	How to access objects in higher level nested protected type
2120       ____          ____            ____         ____


2122	Protected method has implied object parameter?
2122       ____          ____            ____         ____


Dr. Peter J. Ashenden         peter@ashenden.com.au
Ashenden Designs Pty. Ltd.    www.ashenden.com.au
PO Box 640                    VoIP: sip://0871270078@sip.internode.on.net
Stirling, SA 5152             Phone: +61 8 7127 0078
Australia                     Mobile: +61 414 70 9106

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