RE: [vhdl-200x] LRM bugs

From: Peter Ashenden <>
Date: Sun Nov 28 2004 - 16:20:10 PST


Thanks for your comprehensive list of issues. I will generate an Issue
Report for the Issues Screening and Analysis Committee (ISAC) to review.
You should get a response in the near future.

Meanwhile, if you uncover further issues we need to consider, you can report
them using the form at Many thanks.



Dr. Peter J. Ashenden              
Ashenden Designs Pty. Ltd.         
PO Box 640                                   Ph:  +61 8 8339 7532
Stirling, SA 5152                            Fax: +61 8 8339 2616
Australia                                    Mobile: +61 414 70 9106
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, 29 November 2004 04:45
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [vhdl-200x] LRM bugs
> During the development of ghdl (, I think 
> I have found severals errors in the VHDL LRM.  Here is a 
> priliminary list with some propositions to fix the bugs. I 
> hope these bugs could be clarified or fixed for the next LRM version.
> 1) The return type of a function can be a file type.
>    However, it is of course not possible to write a correct 
> body for such
>    a declaration.
>    Proposition: The return type of a function must denote 
> neither a file type
>    nor a protected type.
> 2) An alias of a physical type is not possible, although 
> described in the LRM.
>    Indeed, a physical type is always an anonymous type.  Only physical
>    subtypes can be aliased.
>    Proposition: Are non-object aliases really used ?  
> Non-object aliases were
>    added to be able to re-export declarations, but they 
> cannot be used for
>    this purpose.
> 3) Character literal can be decorated through an attribute 
> specification,
>    but the 'decoration' cannot be referenced (because the prefix of an
>    attribute cannot be a character).
> 4) It is possible to write pure functions that do not return 
> the same value:
>    type string_acc is access string;
>    pure function alloc (str : string) return string_acc is
>    begin
>       return new string'(str);
>    end alloc;
>    Proposition: forbid allocators in pure functions (directly 
> or indirectly)
>    as well as calls to the implicit deallocate procedures.
> 5) Some trivial expressions are not valid:
>       constant c : integer := -3;
>    The expression is ambiguous, since the "-" can either that 
> of the integer
>    type or that of the universal integer type.
>    For sure, in this example the result is the same, but what about:
>      function "-" (v : integer) return integer is begin return 0; end;
>      constant c : integer := -3;
>    Proposition: Do like Ada: preference for universal operators.
> 6) Does a generate statement have a declarative part ?
>    No, according to grammar from 9.7, but some of the 
> block_declarative_item
>    are specifications which are valid only inside declarative part...
>    Propostion: Replace "{ block_declarative_item }" with
>    "block_declarative_part".
> 7) What is the meaning of:
>    type t is array (boolean) of bit;
>    signal s : t;
>    ...
>    wait on s (time < 10 ns);
>    Suppose the wait statement starts to execute at 9 ns, and 
> there is an
>    event at 11 ns on s (true).  Does the wait statement finish ?
>    This bug is due to the fact that globally static 
> expression are not static.
>    Proposition: why the time function is pure ?
> 8) What is the meaning of 'signature' in 'INSTANCE_NAME and 
>    What is the signature of function f return natural ?  
> [return natural] or
>    [return integer].  At least, the use of these attributes 
> is nonportable.
> 9) The default entity aspect is ambiguous, because rules a) 
> and c) or b) and c)
>    of 5.2.2 can results in two visible entity declaration.
>    Proposition: Remove rules a) and b), that are neither intuitive
>    nor understandable.
> 10) Constant parameter of access types are implicitly allowed:
>       type line is access string;
>     seems to implicitly define:
>       function "=" (constant <anon> : line; constant <anon> : line)
>         return boolean;
>     These functions (if they really exist) are of course not 
> overloadable.
>     The restriction (constant parameter cannot be of access 
> type) was not
>     well considered (remember the endline function of std.textio).
>     Although this is not explained, I suppose the reason why 
> this restriction
>     exists is because it prevents from defining pure function 
> that returns
>     different values when called with the same parameters.
>     Proposition:
>      1) allow constant parameter of access types for 
> procedures and impure
>         functions.
>      2) Allow constant parameter of access types for pure 
> functions but forbid
>         to dereference such parameters in pure functions.
> Extra bugs:
> 11a) There is a missing ';' in example of E'PATH_NAME after 
> the generic clause
>     of component BComp declared inside architecture top of top.
> 11b) There is a missing ':' before gbottom'path_name.
> 12) Names of protected type examples in 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 do not match:
>   VariableSizedBitArray vs VariableSizeBitArray.
> Tristan.
Received on Sun Nov 28 16:20:09 2004

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