Re: [vhdl-200x] 1076 & Entity balloting

From: Tim Davis <>
Date: Thu Jun 24 2004 - 09:36:57 PDT

> As IEEE members we should lobby our IEEE and IEEE SA
> officers to support IEEE standards working group
> efforts. Note that I am already doing this and I think
> more voices communicating our needs and issues in a
> friendly manner could be helpful.

I contacted the SA about problems I had with balloting and review of
negative votes on the SDF standard. They feel on deaf ears. That is
partly why I dropped my SA membership. Organizations can change and
perhaps they are better now. However, lobbying SA won't get VHDL
anywhere. We need to be lobbying the users of VHDL but we have no direct
connection to them.

> In my opinion, IEEE SA does provide value. It
> provides legal oversight, balloting service, and
> organizational structure.

If that's it then we can find those attributes virtually anywhere. Why
not ANSI for example? Or Accelera?

> Cheers,
> Jim
Received on Thu Jun 24 09:36:59 2004

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