[vhdl-200x] On rescinding the change to architectures

From: Peter Ashenden <peter@ashenden.com.au>
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 17:12:39 PDT


I appear to have stirred up quite a hornet's nest! A few people have asked
for the document trail to be made available so we can re-examine this issue.
I have some of the earlier material to hand, but would need to go digging to
find subsequent material leading to the final balloted changes. I don't
have time to do that right now.

I suggest that we generate a new issue for VHDL-200x-FT, to re-analyze the
original issue and see if there is a way to address it and to revert to a
single declarative region for an entity/architecture without breaking other
aspects of the language. I don't believe simply reverting to the pre-2002
specification is sufficient, as that would just re-open the holes that
existed then. We would need to find a different way to plug them. I don't
wish to prejudice the outcome of that analysis now by coming up with a hasty
change proposal.

Steve and Jim, if you agree that this is the way to go, could you please
generate the new FT issue. As soon as I can get the VHPI draft done, I'll
try to dig up more material to support an analysis. Thanks.



Dr. Peter J. Ashenden                        peter@ashenden.com.au
Ashenden Designs Pty. Ltd.                   www.ashenden.com.au
PO Box 640                                   Ph:  +61 8 8339 7532
Stirling, SA 5152                            Fax: +61 8 8339 2616
Australia                                    Mobile: +61 414 70 9106
Received on Thu Apr 8 17:12:30 2004

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