Subject: RE: [vhdl-200x] RE: Posix Threads
From: Stephen Bailey (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 09:20:42 PDT
I'm copying this to vhdl-200x-tbv which is the functional team responsible
for this enhancement request.
Also, I'd like to point out that VHDL 2002 has protected types which provide
the mutex capability for shared variables.
Overall, I like the idea of a Posix thread capability instead or or in
addition to fork/join. I think it is more consistent with VHDL.
-Steve Bailey
> I like the synchronization aspects of Posix threads. "The
> Mutexes are simple
> lock primitives that can be used to control access to a
> shared resource and
> the condition variable which supplements mutexes by allowing
> threads to
> block and await a signal from another thread" (ripped off
> from somewhere on
> the net). Threads are used in Java and many other "latest greatest
> languages." We should make sure that we cover both Verilog
> style Fork/Join
> and Posix threads.
> Steve
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