Proposed changes to the Matrix math packages: 1) In the packages I reference a matrix with A(row,col). Matlab references with A(col, row). The change would involve reversing the index of every funciton. Pro: Make it more like matlab and less like C Con: Would take several days to make the change. 2) Ability to flatten a matrix into a vector. 3) Remove the polyval, tril, triu, blkdiag functions Pro: These are standard Matlab function. Con: There are typically only used it Matlab demonstrations... 4) better documentaiton for "buildmatrix" function. 5) "randn" function Creates a random matrix with a gausian destribution. 6) create versions of the "zeros" and "ones" and other matrix initalizing commands which take a matrix as an argument (just to get the size). Thus you could say: a <= zeros (5,5); a <= zeros (a); 7) Use "positive" ranges instead of "natural" ranges. This would make the matrix package work more like Matlab. However an address of "(0,0)" would be illegal. The VHDL-2008 predefined types for index_vector and real_vector include zero, so this would be a disconnect. 8) Check ranges to make sure that it is always 1 to x and not "downto" x. 9) "**" operator This operator is recursive is the power is greater than 2. Should someting greather than 2 create an error?