Re: [vhdl-200x] Meeting Agendas ...

From: Jim Lewis <>
Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 15:06:34 PDT

The plan for the Monday, 28 June meeting is to review as
many of the following proposals as time permits:

   FT3, Array/scalar logic operations
   FT13, Add Stop and Finish
   FT22-FT23 locally static
   FT24 Don't Care in Case
   FT25 Remove restrictions on static subtype for case expression
   FT26 Relax restrictions on return values from functions
   FT12 Read output ports
   FT11 Signal expressions in port maps
   FT9 Sized bit string literals
   FT16 Context unit to allow referencing library declarations and package references
   FT4, Min/max

> Telecon information:
> 888-742-8686
> 303-928-2600 (int'l)
> Conference ID: 4737027

For the Wednesday, 7 July meeting,
   Review or the PSL proposal.

If there is any time left after reviewing PSL at the
7 July meeting, we will review as many of the following
as time permits in order.

   FT10 Conditional and selected assignment for sequential assignments and
         Ternary Expressions.
   FT18 Boolean Equivalence in context of conditionals
   FT14 Composites (arrays and records) with unconstrained Arrays
   FT15 Slicing of multidimensional arrays and arrays of arrays
   FT19 Process_Comb - need discussion for attributes: Process'comb

Best Regards,

Jim Lewis
Director of Training   
SynthWorks Design Inc. 
Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification
Received on Fri Jun 25 15:06:37 2004

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